Like, was someone legit standing there with their man down on one knee and thinking, "Oh my gosh, what do I do now?????????? He's handing me the ring what do I do? Let me google this first. Ok, google tells me to put the ring on. Whew, that was a close one, I had no idea!"
If you wrote that post, I'm sorry. Then again, I'm clearly not an expert on getting the wedding ball rolling after getting engaged so what do I know?
Yesterday I told you all the stuff we haven't done yet (hint: everything) so today I'll tell you what we actually HAVE done to get started on the wedding planning!
First || I put the ring on
Lols. Thank god I read that article 🤦🏻♀️
Also, CB had NO IDEA what size ring I needed. I'm really not a big jewelry wearer and he said he couldn't find a single ring around the house to take with him when he bought the engagement ring, so he just guessed on size. It fit like a freaking glove, what are the chances??
Second || Got The Ring Insured
CB knows me way too well. Not only am I clumsy but I lose sunglasses when they're on top of my head. Right after we got engaged, we took a trip to Denver. This was before we got the ring insured. CB said, "I read an article about women who get a CZ dupe of their engagement ring, and wear that around as a safety precaution."
I was like, bro, I think those women have $400k+ engagement rings. I love my ring SO MUCH, but, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say there is no need for a dupe. Bless his heart, love that kid.
Either way, he felt much better after our Denver trip when he was able to finally have it insured. If you are needing to get your ring insured, check out Jewelers Mutual. Jewelers Mutual has been exclusively insuring jewelry for more than 100 years and offers repair or replacement coverage for all types of jewelry and watches. Coverage includes loss, theft, damage and mysterious disappearance (unexplained loss), and goes with you wherever you travel around the world. Hello, worry-free honeymoon (or trip to Denver)!
Plus, they have an awesome ring cleaning and care guide that you can download for free. This guide includes daily, weekly and monthly to dos for keeping your ring as shiny and sparkly as possible. I mean, they've been in the jewelry business for over 100 years, I assume they've picked up a thing or too on keeping your engagement ring as sparkly as humanly possible!
Three || Let it sink in, enjoy the engagement
We agreed not to talk about the actual wedding until after the first week. Did I stick to this, I did not. But that doesn't mean that you can't! Take a week to yourselves, make out (pro tip), admire the ring, gush to your friends and family... just ENJOY IT and forget about the wedding until a week later.
One thing I didn't stop doing for a solid week was smiling. I couldn't believe it. CB and I had been together almost three years and I HONESTLY didn't think he was ever going to ask. We talked about getting married pretty often, but I just didn't think he was going to pull the trigger. Needless to say, there was a permanent smile plastered on my face.
Fourth || Signed up for The Knot
I signed up for the The Knot about a week after we got engaged. The Knot is filled with checklists, perfect for the girl with "shiny red ball" syndrome --- aka, me!
Fifth || Made our Guest List
With as little as we've done, planning wise, I'm really impressed at how quickly and decisively we made our guest list. No joke, this took us all of 10 minutes. We came to the number 64 people, the majority of my folks being from out of town. With so many out-of-towners, we've decided that at least 14 of those 64 probably won't come. Alas, a 50 person wedding. This helped us determine step six.
Mug VIA Swoozies
Six || We Set a Budget
With only 50 people on our guest list, we are hoping to have a small wedding that will sill be awesome but won't break the bank.
Seven || We Set Our Must Haves
Pizza. Open Bar. Pizza. Amazing photographer. Pizza.
Eight || We Made a Pact
Our very FIRST conversation about the wedding turned into a fight. We don't really argue that often, so this threw us for a loop. I'm glad it happened though, because we both came together and agreed that the second this isn't fun, we need to step back and reassess. So, we made a pact to have fun with this, not make it a source of stress.
So, there ya have it, that's what we've done so far! Our next step is going to be to take a day off work and go look at venues. Unfortunately, I've discovered no one tours venues on the weekend (booooo) so we have to take off work and go venue hopping.
We are now nearly two months in to our engagement. What are your wedding planning tips that you'd like to leave for us? CB reads the comments (especially when they're about him 😂) so we'd love to get your advice. What were some resources that you found valuable. Where did you hit road blocks? What kept you sane during this process? We'd love your input!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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