As a bit of a catch up, seeing as I've pretty much been MIA for a month, CB and I decided to do a NO SPEND NOVEMBER. We knew December was going to be a doozy as far as expenses go (oh, hi, I'll be in NYC by 11pm tonight) so we made a deal to not spend any money in November.
We did SO MUCH FUN STUFF though. How, you ask? Well, in our No Spend November deal (let's call it NSN) we decided that we could only do something if it was free. Although I am getting a few invites for Dallas Love List here and there, they certainly aren't flying in for me. So, if we wanted to go have fun, I had to go out and ask for it.
Here are just a few of the fun things we did in November -- THAT COST NO DOLLARS.
Ate Free Oysters at Cook Like a Texan Event
Played dress up at an OPEN BAR charity event and even got to give tickets away
Went to a Mavs basketball game
Ate Free Crepes at Whisk Crepes
Drank Unlimited Beer at 5 Years of Beer Party
Drank unlimited Beer at Untapped Beer Festival
Drank Rose All Day for Free at Park and Palate
Played Dress Up and drank free Margaritas at the Margarita Ball
So what's my big secret??? Well, I simply just asked, and they said yes.
BUT how do you know WHAT to ask? And WHO to ask? And How to ask it?
Well, now that I do have a secret for!
I actually took my pal Helene's Instagram for Success Course.
I took Helene's course before starting Dallas Love List.
Are you ready for a recap of how quickly that has grown?
I started Dallas Love List on June 2nd.... It's now been 6 months and I've grown from
0 to 7,412
I'm blown away by it's success and also with how much fun I'm having growing that account. It was so easy to find my voice, my personality I wanted to portray and to carve out my nook on Instagram strictly because of Instagram for Success.
Here are a few things that you will learn are guaranteed to help you grow.
The best way to beautifully edit your photos
Increase engagement with the RIGHT hashtags
Monetize your account
Master the Flatlay
Learn how to effectively approach brands you'd love to work with on instagram.
Beat the instagram algorithm
Plus, one of my favorite things is in one of the bonuses that Helene is offering right now. She's going to give you a social media content calendar for the entire year!! That's over 2,000 ideas for Instagram. That is priceless to me, because I swear I get writers block (you know, so to speak) on Instagram!
That bonus offer ends Monday.
That not enticing enough for you?? Just to sweeten the deal...
If you purchase through my link below, I'm going to email you directly 30 of my favorite holiday hashtags to use this season, as well as a second list of 30 hashtags targeted specifically to YOUR Instagram account!

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