You know, silly things. Then Veenie ate a toothpick while at a petsitter and I was somehow transformed into the biggest worry wart who uses the word anxiety in every other sentence. This stress and fear I constantly feel over the possibility of something happening to the pups, to CB or even to myself has really taken a toll on me. This new found anxiety is something I've decided needs to be addressed in 2017. I'm not sure what I mean by "addressed", just yet.
I don't want today to be a sad post, 2016 was amazing. My best friend and partner in crime, CB and I tore up not only Dallas but many other cities across the US! I started new, exciting projects that have my mind buzzing with ideas for 2017! The most important part of 2016 though, was I spent the entire year totally, completely, madly in love. The love is my favorite part.
Let's look back on 2016, month by month! This is my 2016 Year In Review, Part 1.
Every year for work I start the new year off in Toronto. For 2017, I'll actually be going to Vancouver instead! I'd ask for recs but you guys know how work trips are. Hotel... Convention Center... Hotel... Convention Center. I hope my hotel room view is as good in Vancouver as it was in Toronto!
On the blog in January, CB drove all over Dallas trying to find me a pretty donut and wrote a blog post about it. I also struggled (and really still struggle today) with finding my place in the blogging world. I wrote about that struggle in two posts: Where Do I Go From Here, and Where Do I go From Here Part 2 which was a list of questions I asked myself to see exactly WHAT I wanted from this blog. Hmm... that was a good idea, I might do that one again!
I also wrote about What the Value of a Blog REALLY is -- basically why we are so valuable, in my opinion, to advertisers.
I also hit 2 Million Page Views (I'm now well over 3 which is super exciting) and celebrated by compiling a list of my favorite posts of all time! I also made one of my favorite cocktails of all time - The Spicy Moscow Mule - that I totally recommend you try!
Finally, I finished January with a ski trip (I use the term, "ski" very loosely) to Colorado with CB and friends!
The arrival of February is always celebrated on VTIM with SUPER BOWL POSTS! I started with a great post that I'll update again for you this year, "How to Play Super Bowl Squares." This is the one game you need at every Super Bowl party.
I also wrote one of my favorite sports posts to date: "Female Fan Does Not Equal Kitchen." For some crazy reason, advertisers still want to associate the female sports fan with the kitchen. If you're in advertising, read this post for the fool proof formula for reaching us illusive (jk, we're everywhere) female sports fan.
I also wrote one of my favorite sports posts to date: "Female Fan Does Not Equal Kitchen." For some crazy reason, advertisers still want to associate the female sports fan with the kitchen. If you're in advertising, read this post for the fool proof formula for reaching us illusive (jk, we're everywhere) female sports fan.
I started March with an entire list of The Best Pizza in Dallas. Very important post, probably my most important post to date. CB and I also did a quick 24 Hours in Shreveport, which turned out to be a lot of fun.
April was not my favorite month. While we were in San Antonio, Veenie got sick at a pet sitter. They didn't tell me this until the day I picked her up. I knew something was up with Veenie but the vet did x-rays and really couldn't find anything wrong.
Days went by, she was improving, then would take 5 steps back. Then she'd improve again. Then she was rushed in for emergency $6,000 exploratory surgery that Saturday. Then they called that night and said she didn't need the surgery. I'm not joking, this all happened.
Then Monday they found the toothpick via an Ultrasound. She had surgery but the damage to her intestines had been done, she had to fight over the next couple of weeks if she was going to live.
My little girl fought, and I got to take her home. It was the happiest day I've had in a very long time.
Days went by, she was improving, then would take 5 steps back. Then she'd improve again. Then she was rushed in for emergency $6,000 exploratory surgery that Saturday. Then they called that night and said she didn't need the surgery. I'm not joking, this all happened.
Then Monday they found the toothpick via an Ultrasound. She had surgery but the damage to her intestines had been done, she had to fight over the next couple of weeks if she was going to live.
My little girl fought, and I got to take her home. It was the happiest day I've had in a very long time.
May started when some earth shattering news crashed down on me... CB HAD NEVER HAD A BAGEL. It was too much for one girl to handle, and you guys totally agreed with me in the comments section of that post. Bless his heart.
CB forced me against my will to go camping, but he let me bring Veenie and Gee so I guess it wasn't SOOO bad. I'm just really not the outdoorsy type.
I gave you guys my secret recipe for the best low-cal pizza you will ever eat, I seriously make this thing once every couple of weeks, sometimes more often!
I showed you what has helped grow my blog the most over the years, and that is TAKING ACTION! I talked about why I am so over this whole CB Charade, and why it has gone too far.
We also celebrated 2 years of dating and all was right with the world.
On that note, I'll wrap this up for today. Who knew year end recap posts would be so long. Oh yeah, maybe the girl blogging for nearly 4 years should know that. Oopsies. I'll be back tomorrow with the second half of 2016 which features the VTIM all Girl Fantasy Football league, Dallas Love List and lots and lots of trips before turning 30!
CB forced me against my will to go camping, but he let me bring Veenie and Gee so I guess it wasn't SOOO bad. I'm just really not the outdoorsy type.
I gave you guys my secret recipe for the best low-cal pizza you will ever eat, I seriously make this thing once every couple of weeks, sometimes more often!
I showed you what has helped grow my blog the most over the years, and that is TAKING ACTION! I talked about why I am so over this whole CB Charade, and why it has gone too far.
We also celebrated 2 years of dating and all was right with the world.
On that note, I'll wrap this up for today. Who knew year end recap posts would be so long. Oh yeah, maybe the girl blogging for nearly 4 years should know that. Oopsies. I'll be back tomorrow with the second half of 2016 which features the VTIM all Girl Fantasy Football league, Dallas Love List and lots and lots of trips before turning 30!