We got there around 9pm, threw our stuff in the room, chugged a beer and headed out to Northgate which is where all of the bars are. Now, I'm not sure if it is because we started the season 5-0 or if this is normal but DAMN did our fans show up this weekend. Everywhere I looked there was a sea of orange. I've only been to 2 away games prior to this one, and I was nothing short of blown away by the number of Tennessee fans out at the bars on Friday night. Keep in mind, it isn't an easy drive from Knoxville to College Station. We're talking a solid 14 hours. I assume the majority flew down for the weekend. Regardless, I'm impressed Vol fans, I'm impressed.
I'm sure this will shock no one, but I am not one of those fans who travels to an away game and wants to take in all of the home team's rituals and culture. I don't care about your traditions, and I don't expect you to care about mine when you visit.
Imma do me, you do you.
So when everyone, including a ton of Tennessee fans, left the bar to go experience yell practice (an A&M tradition) I politely declined (aka, giggled profusely at the thought of me, with all of my anger management issues, attending an opposing team's pep rally) and instead took advantage of the now open path to the once jam packed bar.
I'm not judging yell practice, I think that is great. Like I said though, imma do me and you do you. I mean, I CERTAINLY don't expect you to want to go to the Vol Walk with me in Knoxville when you come visit, nor do I expect you to scream Rocky Top with 104,000 of your closest friends in a sea of orange at Neyland.
Again, Imma do me, you do you.
So, I declined yell practice.
We had another drink or two then headed home to rest up for GAMEDAY BAYYBEEEE!
I slept so peacefully that night, knowing that the Vols were just sleeping down the street from me. (YES, THAT IS CREEPY, YOU DO YOU IMMA DO ME). I woke up with a pep in my step and of course Rocky Top on repeat. I grabbed my pom pom, put on my power T face tat and we were out the door.
Sunnies $12 HERE
Massive Sunburn, totally FREE! Thanks Mother Nature!
Also, HI CB in my glasses!
Now, if you know ANYTHING AT ALL about Tennessee Football, you know that it ain't over till it's over. Last weekend all we needed was FOUR SECONDS to beat Georgia.
So you can imagine my shock when an A&M fan tapped me on the shoulder with 11 minutes left in the game, Vols down by 14, and said, "Thanks for visiting us and letting us get a win!"
I was already severely sunburned, so the anger that filled my face was probably not so noticeable to this man. I said, "Did you happen to see our game against Georgia last weekend? All we need is 4 seconds."
He gave me a HAH, OK, WHATEVS type of nod. I then knew my boys were going to come back. I just knew it and this guy was going to look like a total a-hole for saying that.
Sure enough, down the field we marched, right in the end zone. One thing everyone should know from here on out, is to not count out the Vols.... EVER.
I never once turned around to see how Thanks-For-Letting-Us-Win-McGee's face was doing. I knew how he was feeling and that total silence that filled Kyle Field was satisfaction enough for me!
After sending the game into double overtime, we of course lost. I have to admit though, man am I proud of those kids. What a game, what a weekend...
Now I get to do it all over again next weekend when CB (his first time in Knoxville), my girlfriends and I head to see Tennessee to watch my Vols take on Bama on our own turf!
Neyland Stadium is going to be ROCKING, and you know what they say about knocking, Bama.

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