It has now been almost 3 months and the account has nearly 3,650 followers. How did I do that? If you want the simple answer... CB and I stopped going to the same old places for meals and started trying new places, I stock piled every Dallas based photo I have ever taken and put them into a Dropbox folder for easy access, I used Dallas based hashtags on every post and I liked other people's photos like crazy.... and that's pretty much it.
I DID NOT do the follow unfollow method that is such a trend on Instagram right now. That is rude as hell, in my opinion, and I will never do that. For those who don't know, people swear by the idea that you follow as many accounts as possible, wait for them to follow you back, then immediately unfollow them. That isn't my style on my personal account and that won't be my style here.
If you read my "Instagram Hashtags for Bloggers that Will Triple Likes" post, you'll know that I totally nerd out on experiments with social media. This is why I want to be totally transparent on this account and tell you exactly what works and what doesn't and what I'm struggling with. So, let's dive in!
Liking photos from anyone's account who lives in Dallas.
When Jenny Smith sees "@DallasLoveList" liked her picture of her 5 year old little boy, Charlie -- she's more likely to click over to see what @DallasLoveList account is all about --- for sure more likely to click over than if just @iamsarahwebb liked her photo.
If I take a solid 10 minutes and like photos from anyone who has a "Dallas, Texas" geo-tagged recent photo, I'm guaranteed to get 10-20 new followers.
I thought the key to my growth would be getting regrammed. Oddly, this has not really helped to get more followers at all. I was even regrammed by A Beautiful Mess (go figure, why couldn't that have happened on my @iamsarahwebb account?!?) and I really didn't see much of a boost in followers.
That actually makes sense though.
Not much, but here is exactly what has come my way in the first 3 months.
Also: no one has paid me anything either, but I can't say I'm really looking for cash money. (Said no one ever.....)
-A Box of Dallas Based Goodies from Dallas Box Co.
-Two BrewFest Tickets + Two to Give Away
-Two Tickets to Best of D Magazine Party + Two To Give Away (which was BOMB)
I am a creature of habit, growing up, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich literally every single day from 2nd grade until 11th grade. I can eat the same meal, over and over again, and be fine with that.
CB and I have really enjoyed adventuring out and trying new restaurants that never would have been on our radar.

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