Everyone knows the details, so I won't go into that.
Earlier this week there was an outpouring of prayers and furious anger for the terrible, horrific loss of life in Louisiana and Minnesota. I cried with shock, anger and complete sadness watching Alton Sterling's son break down during that press conference, and called my mom, as I always do.
Everyone knows those details, so I won't go into that.
I saw someone post a picture of the Dallas Skyline and a caption that said #PrayForDallas. Someone commented back disagreeing with them for posting it... as if it somehow was meant to draw a line in the sand. Dallas needs prayers right now. The United States of America needs prayers right now. Philando Castile's family needs prayers right now. Alton Sterling's family needs prayers right now. Why on earth would offering or requesting prayers EVER be condemned???? I do not understand.
I support equality. I support every human being. I am an emotional, thoughtful, caring person. I'm sensitive, and I cry often, over everyone and everything. I'm so very sad today, all week. All month. All of last month.
I'm praying for what is now my home, Dallas. I'm praying for our incredibly brave officers. I'm praying for black men and black women. I'm praying for muslim men and muslim women. I'm praying for hispanic men and hispanic women. I'm praying for white men and white women. I'm praying for LGBT men, women and particularly youth that feel confused and alone and unaccepted. I'm praying for equality. I'm praying for America. I'm praying for everyone.
I'm praying for the golden rule, I wish everything could just be that simple today.
I never want to upset or offend anyone, ever. Ever. I don't claim to know it all, I actually don't claim to know much of anything (other than every member of the Tennessee Vols current backfield) so, please, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I was nervous to post this, so please be patient with me if you feel differently than I do. I'm all ears.

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