I've been on this body positive kick for a while now. I'm trying to love my body, as it is, rather than what it might be, one day. I've always had the mindset, "If I was just skinny life would be so much easier." I still am actively trying to eat healthy and lose weight, but I'm doing my very best to love my body each step of the way. I want to love it now, I want to love it later... no matter what happens, I'm trying to change my attitude about my body.
Just so we are clear, I'm not doing that great with it, but I'm trying. Anytime I feel myself about to say something negative, I try and stop it from coming out of my mouth. I've failed a lot, I failed last night, but I'm at least acknowledging that I need to stop with the negative.
Every day is a struggle, but there are certain role models I've tried to follow and emulate. When I see someone that is my size, and totally comfortable -- confident even -- in their skin, I feel my nerves relax and stand a little more confidently. Confident women are infectious, they give me strength to know that my body is gorgeous, just the way it is right now. It won't matter if I gain or lose weight, my body will always be sexy and desirable.
If you struggle with body image issues -- so, everyone, I'm assuming -- give these ladies a follow. They know the are sexy AF, which makes them all the more sexy. Everyone needs a role model, so I'm giving you 12 to choose from today.
4. @allexadalessio
5. @katiehwillcox
6. @kailacurve
7. @tiaprovost
8. @miss_curvy_b
9. @michelleolson1
10. @jordynwoods
11. @sydney.ness
12. @nataliealvarado

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