3 Swimsuits That Will Flatter A Pear Shape | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

07 June 2016

3 Swimsuits That Will Flatter A Pear Shape

Swimsuits Perfect for Pear Shaped Girls

I'm not going to be bathing-suit-phobic this year. I'm not going to be bathing-suit-phobic this year. I'm not going to be bathing suit phobic this year. I'm just not. I can't. I'm ruining Summer. I've ruined Summer for years and years because I'm terrified of what people will think of me in a bathing suit. 

Is that wrong... caring what other people think? Yes it is. Do I care? Yes. Yes I do. I hate the feeling of having judging eyes on me. It's an endless mind game that I never seem to come out victorious on. My terrible body confidence is unfortunately something that rules my life. I let it rule my life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

I have to get a grip on this though. I'm 29 years old and this is me. My mom told me something rather recently that hit home, she said you're going to look back on these years of your life and feel like you've wasted it. She's right. I don't have kids, I don't have that many responsibilities. I have happiness and love and I let my big butt overshadow all of the other good in my world. That was not a pun. 

Every year, without fail, I let my insecurities over my legs/arms/butt ruin my Summer. Next year I'll be 30, I'm getting too old for this. From what I've read in every Buzzfeed article ever, I'm pretty sure 30 is the age when you decide what other people think just does not matter. I promise you guys that I am going to try this whole, not caring thing. I promise I will try.

If you read this post about swimsuit shopping, you'll know that I also made a promise to CB that I would not skip out on Summer activities just because I don't want to be in a bathing suit. After that post, I took matters into my own hands and contacted Swimsuits for All who a few of you had actually recommended to me. Yes, I contacted them, and just bit the bullet, knowing full well it would mean I had to post swimsuit pictures on the blog. 

I wanted to collaborate with them for two reasons. The first, and far less important reason, is because I have a massive, ridiculous, in your face girl crush on Ashley Graham. Ashley actually models and even has her own line of suits for them. Sad for me, but this line of suits came out after I ordered mine.

If you don't know Ashley, you need to follow her because she will bring out your body confidence. Everything she does, I just want to stand up and give her a round of applause. She is who us mediums need in our life! 

The other far more important reason I contacted them is because of their Summer of #MySwimBody campaign. It is EXACTLY what I'm trying to talk myself into. Here is my swim body. It goes in the water, just like everyone else's. The campaign encourages you to share your swim body, then tag a friend to challenge them to share theirs. 

So here goes nothing!  

I got three suits from Swimsuits For All and I loved each one more than the next. Also, CB took all these photos for me and I can't believe I didn't punch him in the face!

Did you hear me?! WE MADE IT THROUGH TAKING BATHING SUIT PHOTOS TOGETHER, UNHARMED. That right there folks, is what we call a miracle. 

Bathing Suit One || Classic Red High Waisted Bikini
Fit Notes: The top was probably way too big for me, but it was the smallest size they had. I wore it with the optional straps and it ended up fitting fine. Bottoms fit perfectly, true to size. 


Bathing Suit Two || GabiFresh Electress Pool Blue Bikini
Fit Notes: The top was a bit too big on me, but with the straps ended up being totally ok. Big boobs are not exactly an asset I have. I read the reviews and sized up a size on the bottoms and they fit great! 

CB Note: This was the boyfriend's favorite, I think I could have probably guessed that before even putting it on. 

Shockingly, no, I didn't spray tan. I know, I'm naturally just this brown. LOLZZZ. 

Bathing Suit Three || The Explorer Bikini
Fit Notes: My favorite of all three suits. The details are adorable, as you'll see on the back and the cute tie around the bikini bottoms. Ran true to size and fits excellently. Highly recommend this one, it was so so SO cute. 

Swimsuits For All (click here for an additional 40% off your first suit) is trying to get 10,000 women in a swimsuit this Summer, and I challenge you to be brave, post your #myswimbody. JUST DO IT and maybe, just maybe, you'll inspire someone else who has been struggling with their swimsuit body image. 

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