2. The Relish Fan of the Week!
If you like coming to my blog for Fan Friday, just go and subscribe to The Relish RIGHT NOW. They send an email out every Monday, featuring everything you need to know from the sports world for that week. Following them on their social channels is pretty awesome too, because they post breaking news throughout the week. I'm digging what they're doing, and I have no doubt you will too.
3. CB Won $500 to Bella and Chloe Shop
If you followed my snaps this weekend, you'll know that I had my first invite to an event for my new Instagram account Dallas Love List. In true CB fashion, he made a B-Line to the raffle ticket sales. One thing you should know about CB is that he buys any and all raffle or lotto tickets he can get his hands on. He rarely wins, but tells me it's not about winning, it's about the thrill of imagining what you'd buy if you did win.
Well, then they called his name for the GRAND PRIZE. We were a little drunk... FREE WHISKEY... and you guys should have seen us in that shop with $500 burning a hole in our pockets. Neither of us shop at places where $500 gets you 5 things, and I swear we looked like drunk Beverly Hillbillies bopping around that store with excitement.
LOLZZZ. Losers.
I got a hat, new sunnies and a vintage ring (show on the band of the watch above) that for some reason reminds me of Veenie. CB got that great watch which is made in Deep Ellum and new brown shades. Safe to say we are BEACH READY thanks to that giveaway.
Also, I'll never make fun of his raffle ticket purchases ever again.
4. Diet Bet || 30x30x30 update
I joined a diet bet about a month ago, and it ended last night at midnight. I got on the scale to weigh this morning and I was 0.7 pounds away from winning. ZERO POINT SEVEN. ARGHHHHH. ARGH ARGH ARGH. I worked so hard this month, that is frustrating. I have until Thursday at 11:59pm to weigh in though, so fingers crossed I can dehydrate myself down to 0.7 pounds lighter between now and then.
JK I wouldn't do that..............
I do have to say I am frustrated, I feel like I worked my butt off this past month.
I'm stupid excited about this new insta account. You probably picked up on that by now though...
-Read more about what the heck I'm talking about: HERE
I started it purely for selfish reasons and I'm excited about it purely for selfish reasons. I want free stuff and I want free stuff to come in the form of food, cocktails and events invites.
So sue me.
Plus, I'm having a blast doing it. CB and I have started branching out with restaurants and bars, trying a ton of new places in the past few weeks. I set a goal of 1,000 followers before I board the plane to VA Beach tonight. Fingers crossed I get there.
I would highly recommend you guys start your own instagram account for your city, it's so fun and different -- way less stressful -- than a personal/blog instagram account. When it comes to Dallas Love List, I don't care what anyone else is posting, and I don't find myself comparing my account to anyone else's. See.... fun, right? So go start your own!
Well, after a full workday that is.....