Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

28 April 2016

NFL Draft Drinking Game 2016 + The Official #GirlsGoneDraft Twitter Party

Here is your official NFL Draft Drinking Game 2016! 
NFL Draft Drinking Game 2016

Whether we want to admit it or not, every blogger's dream is to have someone request a specific post idea. Perhaps it's a tutorial on how you do your perfect curls, or how you master that fabulous cat eyeliner. Perhaps you have fabulous skin and everyone will just not stop asking how you get that glow day in and day out. My favorite is when someone knows they look bomb (not hating, I love it when girls have self confidence) and they say openly, "Would anyone like to see a tutorial on how I did my makeup like this?" That makes me giggle every time I see it. 

For me, that always exciting request to provide a specific post came by way of a NFL Draft Drinking Game from my girl Stephanie. Seeing as I often open up a very blank very white screen with absolutely zero direction on where to go for a blog post, I love specific requests! 

If you haven't been around here for but so long, I used to make up sports related drinking games all the time. NFL Draft Day is one of my favorite days of the year because we are reminded that football does indeed still exist. It helps us to remember that THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE DARK SUMMER TUNNEL AND THAT LIGHT IS FOOTBALL SEASON

The NFL Draft will always hold a soft spot in my heart ever since Ashten and I held a twitter party  using a hashtag (#girlsgonedraft) that ended up TRENDING! Cool, right? 

Last year, while it was far less official, #GirlsGoneDraft was revived for the 2015 draft and Ashten and I want to bring it back again this year. Just use hashtag #GirlsGoneDraft while watching the NFL draft at 8 ET on ESPN and follow your hosts:

 Here is your official invite: 

Now on to more important things... 
Like this NFL Draft 2016 Drinking Game

Gruden says, "This Kid Is Just a PLAYER

They show the Chicago Skyline

A player kisses his mamma 

When someone refers to a player as a "Difference Maker"

Jerry Jones is mentioned 

A trade happens

A Player Gets Drafted That Went to An SEC School

Someone Hugs Goodell

You Hear the Phrase: "Offensive Weapon

You'd do a player shown on screen
(don't forget, these kids are like 21 years old -- I'm assuming you're late 20s early 30s like me) 

Roger Goodell Gets Booed

A Player's "Ceiling" Is Mentioned

In a highlight reel, they show a player scoring a touchdown AGAINST your school
(i.e. they show Jared Goff from Cal throwing a touchdown against Texas, where you went to school)

A Player Cries After Being Selected

Player Drafted Is Wearing A Bowtie


A Player's Legal Trouble is Brought Up

Johnny Manziel is mentioned 

A Wide Receiver is Compared to Wes Welker

If someone in the room bitches about their team's pick, that person has to drink

Someone gets left hanging on a High Five

When Your Team First Goes On The Clock

Announcer accidentally calls them the St. Louis Rams 

Someone Proposes to their Girlfriend 

A player from your college goes round one 
(Whoo! You went to school with him! Let's Celebrate! 

Someone's Suit Splits Open 

A Punter and/or Kicker Gets Drafted

A Team's Fans BOO their Team's Pick

Ok... Grab some beer and/or wine on your way home from work and LET'S PARTY! 
See you tonight on Twitter for #GirlsGoneDraft!!!!! 

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  1. YESSS you are the best! I got my dad to agree to play with me :) he has no idea what he's in for. I will be there for your Twitter party too. I love draft day, it's like christmas. We're actually closing the office tomorrow at noon so we can all go to draft town!
    Also, I'll go ahead and accept my drinks now for bitching about the Bears picks. BUT SERIOUSLY we eff it up every year. Terrible.

  2. this invite makes me really really happy. Can't wait to join in on this!!!

  3. So can wait to watch the draft

  4. Woohoo. Considering I have to work tomorrow I think that some of these drinking prompts may have to be skipped. But I will definitely be twitter-ing it up with #girlsgonedraft!!

  5. I'm probably going to end up dead if I keep drinking two everytime Goodell keeps getting booed.

  6. Really great article, thank you!

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