48 Hours in San Antonio || Where We Stayed, What We Did | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

28 March 2016

48 Hours in San Antonio || Where We Stayed, What We Did

How To Spend a Weekend in San Antonio

I'm going to first start out by asking all of you San Antonians a very big question that plagued me the ENTIRE trip.....

How many people fall in the Riverwalk each year?

How many? It's gotta be in the thousands? More? Hundreds of thousands? Millions?!?!?! Do tell.

First of all, there were about a trillion people jam packed into the Riverwalk. I don't know if it's because Dallas is so spread out, but I feel like I never see THAT many people (I'm assuming mostly tourists) in one part of the city. Sure, the Grassy Knoll attracts a lot of visitors, but not nearly as many as I had to dodge on the Riverwalk this past weekend. 

Second, there are no railings or guardrails. That blew my mind. Tourists, myself totally not included, are pushy and oblivious to anyone other than themselves. CB and I walked one by one, to be polite and make way for the families of 24 that all insisted on walking side by side, blocking the entire walk for anyone else. It got really dicey about 12 different times, and is nothing short of miraculous that I wasn't pushed into that water. 

I TOTALLY understand now why it's probably very rare to see a local at the Riverwalk. At least at the busy parts of the Riverwalk. That's a total shame because DAMN is it beautiful. This Dallasite was totally jealous that you guys have such a beautiful stretch of water to stroll whenever your heart desires. 

So, if anyone has the answer to my question, I'd love to know. Siri wasn't much help. 

Aside from my constant terror that a drunk idiot was going to push me into the water, and aside from the fact that CB got pooped on by a bird in the middle of a gorgeous, sunny afternoon on Friday we had the most fun during our trip. 

I'll start by saying... we failed on the food selection. I won't even tell you where we ate because you'll be so embarrassed to be reading this blog that you'll probably click away. 

Ok fine, you got me, we ate multiple meals on the Riverwalk. 
I'm SORRY to have let you down.

Chips and salsa are like the world's most powerful magnet to me. When I see it available, I'm physically unable to turn it down. Furthermore, I'm even more embarrassed to tell you that I thought everywhere we ate on the Riverwalk was freaking delicious.

I'M SORRY. I'm so boring. This is why I can't have nice trips.

Ok ok ok. How about I just shut up and start our trip recap?

Where We Stayed?
Hotel Indigo at the Alamo

Anytime we travel for work, we always stay in IHG properties. This is fantastic when it comes time to travel and I have points built up. We stayed at the Hotel Indigo for free, and even got upgraded to a corner suite which had a fantastic view of the Tower of the Americas and the Alamo!

Where to Stay In San Antonio

Where to Stay In San Antonio
Loved this historic hotel, would for sure recommend for the great location and charm!

What We Did
Alamo, Tower of the Americas, Riverwalk, Market Square, Explored, Ate

CB was born and bred a Texan, but I've only been here a few years now, so I embraced my new Texas side by paying my respects at the Alamo. We weren't allowed any photography inside the Alamo, so here are some snaps from the outside!

Where to Do in San Antonio

Where to Do in San Antonio
What to Do in San Antonio
What to Do in San Antonio

We walked to the Tower of the Americas. CB and I can be slightly impatient at times (see also: always) so we didn't wait in the crazy long line to go up the Tower. We're lame, I know.

As I've already discussed, yes we did the Riverwalk. Again, not wanting to spend 3 hours of our very short time standing in line, we didn't get to take a Riverboat cruise. We instead walked a good majority of the entire thing! Probably better for us anyway. (And enjoyed some cold beer while doing so!)

Sunday morning we got up bright and early and walked to Market Square. This was quite the interesting walk, seeing as we had a homeless man trailing us the whole time yelling cuss words and telling us he was going to beat the BLEEP out of us. Looking back, I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking to us, more just to his invisible friend, but it creeped me out either way. YAY Happy Easter to you too, SIR! 

I was very relieved to finally arrive at the most colorful little square of shops and eateries I ever did see! 

Here are a few more snaps I took around downtown San Antonio! 

^^^ we had cocktails at this bar. Went for the history, but ended up leaving before even finishing our drink. I would recommend peeking through this hotel, but would not recommend sitting down for a drink. 

In a totally opposite scenario, we had a blast at this perfect little bar on the Riverwalk. 

On our way home, we left early enough to stop at what I was told was a Texas institution, Salt Lick BBQ. We got there around 11:15am, and they were already on a thirty minute wait. TOTALLY WORTH IT THOUGH. 

There is a chance I might be brought to tears just sitting here thinking about this place's BBQ. Dear lord. 

Now I'll be putting my luggage away for a while and never eating again. 
If you've made it this far in this VERY long post, I'm impressed by you. 

Tomorrow morning I'm going on a quick, but fun little adventure. 
Follow along with me on Snapchat to see where in Dallas I'm headed! 

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