I feel so damn helpless over here right now. I don't know what I should be doing but I feel like I should be doing SOMETHING.
By Monday morning, she was back to her crazy, high energy Jack Russell self. I went to work and didn't think much of it. When I came home I gave her an extra half a cup of food thinking she must be starving. I was thinking I was helping, but it turns out I was being the worst dog mom ever and she got sick all over again.
Sick in the bed. Then sick again everywhere Tuesday morning. I went home and checked on her on my lunch break though and she was totally normal all over again. I then took all the blame and realized I stuffed her full of too much food. Again, I didn't go to the vet yet.
Tuesday night and into Wednesday, no problems. I get home from work last night though and she doesn't greet me at the door. This has literally NEVER happened. She was hiding under the couch, shaking and seemingly terrified. I realized she had thrown up just outside the bedroom door and I told CB we were going to the Emergency Vet.
At this point, I feel like the biggest failure as a mother. I should've had her there on Monday morning.
About $300 later, we left the vet without really getting ANY kind of information. They did x-rays, but all they could see was poop (sorry, I could've gone with "feces" but I'll just say it in Layman's terms here) backup all through her. The vet had no clue if she had an obstruction, and presented us with three options.
I'm so incredibly thankful CB was there and he took charge asking the questions as all I could do was fight back tears. I hate it when a vet gives me options. I feel like I'm playing Russian Roulette, what if I make the wrong choice? I went with the option of anti-nausea medicine and an enema. The vet said if she throws up again, she needs to be rushed back in. She also told me Veenie would have a rough and very messy night.
I wrapped her up in puppy training pads, making as much of a diaper as possible and she slept in a crate rather than under the covers in bed with us. I set an alarm for every few hours to check on her.
Nothing. No vomiting, no poop AT ALL.
I walked her this morning, still nothing. So now I'm even more confused than when we started.
I've got her back at her normal vet this morning where she'll stay for the day. Sorry for all of the information, but I knew it would help to write all this down.
I'm now just waiting.
Waiting, stressed out and helpless while someone else has my little girl.
This totally sucks. Everyone say a little prayer for Veenie for me, ok? At the very least, pray that they figure out what is wrong, and not just stumble on more inconclusive tests.