All New Design Launch | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

23 September 2015

All New Design Launch

Pardon the mess because it's new design launch day! I've been working on developing this design for about 3 months. I would tinker with it, leave, come back, tinker some more, leave, come back... until this past week I just said to myself, SCREW IT! Throw it up there and stop tinkering!!! 

There is still a lot of work to be done -- About Me page, Sponsor Page, Blogging Tutorials page all still need to be redesigned -- but I wisely chose the same color scheme so hopefully they don't stick out like a sore thumb until I'm able to make the changes.  

So hold tight and be patient with me while I get everything updated! 
Hooray, I hope you like it! 

 photo signature_11.png