Insanely Genius Tutorials You Need to Pin Right Now | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

26 August 2015

Insanely Genius Tutorials You Need to Pin Right Now

Now I don't want to go knocking the greatest university in the history of the world, The University of Tennessee, but I never enrolled in home economics 101 for some odd reason. Up until about a year and a half ago, I never cooked. Now here I am with a house with this guy who has spent roughly the past 10 years living in a bachelor pad. The two of us are quite the clueless homemaker duo.  

This past month, I've spent learning new skills at the other university I attend, The University of Google where I'm majoring in life hacks from the school of Pinterest. I have found some majorly good short cuts, and solutions to some of the worst first world problems -- i.e. putting on a duvet cover -- and I have those for you today!  

I also put check marks next to the ones that I've successfully tried and completed with ease. If I can do it, you can do it. 

1. The California Roll - How To Put On A Duvet Cover via Crane&Canopy
Couldn't have been easier, I kid you not. 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 

2. How to fold a fitted sheet via PureWow

Passed the Sarah Test: Not yet, I haven't tried. Looks easy enough and I certainly don't know a better idea on how to fold these. 

3. Lemon Twist Garnish Tutorial via Style Me Pretty Living
I've only talked about this one about a billion times. It is a cocktail game changer. PIN NOW! 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓

4. The better way to fold towels via PureWow
It takes maybe 18 seconds longer than the way you currently fold towels, and looks 100% more organized. 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 

5. How to Repot A Plant via PureWow
I had to transfer my Trader Joe Cacti from the pots they came in, to my new yellow pots, and this made it super easy. 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 

6. How to pick an Avacado via BuzzFeed
All hail Buzzfeed for this one. I look like a freak squeezing 49 different avocados that all feel exactly the same to me. 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 

7. The Best Frozen Fruits to Chill Your Wine via House Beautiful
BRB. Going to Kroger right now and buying all the produce for my freezer. 

Passed the Sarah Test: stay tuned....
8. Use a heating pad for UTI relief via Venus Trapped in Mars
I was unfortunately blessed with chronic UTIs, which one doctor told me essentially means I have holes in my bladder. Joy. I find myself fighting a UTI every 4-6  months, and while this won't cure a UTI, it certainly helps ease the pain. Crank that heating pad on high and stick it between your legs #REALTALK. 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 

9. Never Get Lipstick on Your Teeth Again via my friend, Laura!
Stick your finger in your mouth, and close your mouth around your finger. My friend taught me this trick and it works every time! 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 

Hey Helene!!!  

10. Keep Your Ice Coffee From Getting Watered Down via BuzzFeed
I love Iced Coffee, but every time I make it at home the coffee just gets so watered down from the ice cubes. Voila, make coffee ice cubes first. Genius. 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 

11. 6 Fruits You're Eating Wrong via Buzzfeed
What? Stop it. The Orange and Strawberry?!?! Get outta town. 

Passed the Sarah Test: ✓ 


12.  The easiest trick to cutting a bunch of tomatoes at once via Tasty
Haven't tried this one yet, certainly looks simple enough! Report back if you've given it a go! 

One Easy Trick For Cutting Tomatoes
Posted by Tasty on Tuesday, August 11, 2015

13. Turn Cheap Vodka, Into Better Tasting Vodka via Wonder How To
Mind blow. I haven't tried it yet, but I do have a bottle of Burnetts at home... 

