Do you ever get so inspired by someone or something that it stops you dead in your tracks? Someone creates something that is so revolutionary that it makes you want to be a better human being. It makes you want to get out of bed, take on the world and possibly even call Time Warner Cable and not go 0 to 100 real quick? I'm aware that calling Time Warner Cable and not turning to a raging bitch is impossible, but you know what I'm talking about? This happened to me today.
I was looking at my Facebook feed, and saw the most inspiring invention in the history of the world that Buzzfeed Food had shared. Side note, I am a firm believer that Heaven is a constant stream of new Buzzfeed Food Videos. For those of you that don't know, there is nothing more satisfying, than watching a Buzzfeed Food Video.
Per the usual, I digress. Back to this miraculously inspiring invention. For those of you that don't know, if CB is my boyfriend, then Beer Pong is my mistress. I'm aware that analogy didn't work, just roll with it. I could play beer pong all day, everyday. In college, I'd been known to practice on my own, just using water cups. Ok fine, you got me, I used beer to practice.
To this day though, nothing makes me happier than getting the opportunity to throw ping pong balls across a table at six cups. Yes, I'm 28 and still obsessed with beer pong. Sue me.
So you can imagine my excitement/amazement/awe/shock/tears/giddiness/joy when I saw a link to this incredible invention that will soon change the world as we know it.
Ladies and gentleman, meet the Slip Cup.
The Slip Cup fits inside your beer pong cup and catches the ball before it hits the beer, keeping you protected from dog hair, gunk, goop, bacteria, human hair that without a doubt contaminates your beer during the game.
Naturally, when I saw this I wanted to buy 12 sets. One set to use, and 11 more sets just to support these geniuses. I quickly ran into a helluva problem when I realized they aren't for sale yet. They have a campaign going on
Kickstarter, with a funding goal of $70,000 by July 29th. They are currently at $62,000.
Pledging as little as $5 gets you a set of 20 cups, should the product get funded, which it clearly will. I wrote them a blank check and told them to drain my bank account. To fund the Slip Cup and get your free set, go
How inspired are you right now? I bet you feel as if you could climb Everest, solve Pi,
call Time Warner or drive a race car. YOU CAN DO IT! #inspired. You're welcome.
This post is clearly not sponsored, I paid them all of my money and am now broke.