Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

24 July 2015

Fantasy Football Team Names for Girls 2015

It's time for my favorite post of the year, Fantasy Football Team Names for Girls 2015. I think you will also like the funny Fantasy Football Team Names 2014, the hilarious Fantasy Football Team Names for girls from 2013, or this awesome list of Fantasy Football Team Names from 2010. Fantasy football starts September 10th, so make sure you host your fantasy football draft by then.

Fantasy Football Team Names for Girls 2016
**NEW** Fantasy football team names for girls 2016

Looking for more?

Just like last year, I've divided the names up into categories based on the type of league you are playing in: In It to Win It, Embracing The Girly Girl, Talk Dirty To Me or I'm Normal.

Forte Yard Dash

You Winston, You Lose Some

Saved by the Odell

It Was a Catch

Bout That Action Boss

It's a Hard Gronk Life

The Deflatriots 

We Dez Boys

Fourth & Lynches 

Bye Week 
(hey, who knows, it could work to trick your opponent into not updating their roster!)

Catch it Like Beckham 

Should've Been a Cowboy

Johnny Backup

Oher Nah?

Dead Manziel Walking

Husain in the Membrane

Too Legit to Colquitt 

Won't Get Foles Again


Built Bradford Tough

Blood, Sweat and Beers

Two Buck Luck

OMG, Literally Dez

JPP, You're A Firework!

JPP Let Your Finger Burst

The NeverEnding Torrey

Deflators Gonna Deflate

Jamaal About That Bass

Montee Can't Buy You Class

Forte Shades of Jay

Brady Antebellum 

Flaccoroni and Brees

Jumping for Jordy

Odell She Didn't!

Odelllllllllll, No! 

Gould Digger

Witten in the Stars

Keep Calm and Megatron 

Watt Me Whip, Watt Me Nae Nae

Tashard By An Angel

My Fair Brady

Jameis and the Giant Peach 

 My Ball Zach Ertz

Basic Bitch Brady

Tebows Before Hoes

Uggs & Soft Balls

Dude Look Like a Brady

Breesus Saves

Johnny Rehab

All Nude Edleman's Club

AP Switch Hitter

Uggs and Thugs

Airing it Out (Of The Balls)

I Don't Give A Tuck


Montee's Schweddy Balls

Oops I Crabtreed My Pants

Fairley Drunk

Rice's Elevator Rides

*Insert Deflated Joke Here*

Edward Forte Hands

Do The Sankey Leg

You Kaepernick the Future

For Whom Odell Tolls

In a Van Down By The Rivers

Kung Suh Panda

Uhhhh, Khakis?

Cowboy Ugly

Wet The Towel Tom

Roddy Or Not, Here I Come

Will You Mariota Me?

Pop Lock and Dockett

Pop Jacquizz 

All Gould Everything

Ginger Paradise

Sanu and Improved 

A Lump of Cole Beasley

The Von Miller Band

Joique to the World

Happy Happy Joique Joique

Orange is the New Blackmon


2 Wild and Crabtree Guys

Mr. McGibblets

Straight Outta Tomlin

Ice Cream Peyton Job

Luck Dynasty 

Tebown Thugs-n-Harmony

The Garden of Weeden

Jamaican Joique Chicken

Saved By Le'Von Bell

Gronkey Kong

Looking for more?

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The Beginner's Guide to Fantasy Football


  1. love the name it a catch. I'm so excited football season is around the corner. I have already ordered my new jersey for this year.

  2. Two years ago I was "Drinkin' Fortes." Last year was "DeMarco Polo." This year, so far, I'm "Beach Better Have my Money," but that may change depending on who I draft at the end of the month...

    I do what I want.

  3. SO excited for this season!! All of these team names are awesome, but I always yell at my players if they have the name "Odell She Didn't" but not Odell Beckham Jr on their team haha.

  4. I love playing Fantasy Football! I have won 2 years in a row (only female 1 year). The trophy was a Gladiator helmet. It was fun to have friends over, when they would see it they would look at my husband and say "that is an awesome helmet!" He would then have to tell them it wasn't his, it was mine :) Also, my FFB name is SkinnyGirlStingEm... a play off another team in our league FatBoySicEm and the UGA/GT rivalry.

  5. I know nothing about fantasy football but this was still cracking me up!

  6. haha! these are amazing. dead manziel walking. that's my fave.

  7. These are amazing! The only problem is deciding which one is my favorite! Maybe Odellllll, No!

  8. Showed the boys this list and they were VERY impressed.. I was like ya she's pretty badass.

  9. Sarah, this list is how I know we were separated at birth!! I can't even pick a favorite. Thank you for sharing your creativity and showing the rest of the world, that girls really can love sports :)

  10. LOL! Couldn't stop laughing. I think my favorite is "It Was a Catch" because it so was!

  11. There is just so much gold in this post. I don't even know how to narrow it down to one. Watt Me Whip, Watt Me Nae Nae actually made me crack up in my office, so there's that. Also, My Ball Zach Ertz is genius.

  12. I'm totally stealing The Deflatriots! I love it!

  13. Haha this year's list is great! Bye Week...I might have to use that one! :-)

  14. No no noooooooooo....It is NOT time for football yet!!!

  15. These are great! I think I am going to use We Dez Boys this year


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