Instagram Hashtags for Bloggers That Will Triple Likes | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

25 June 2015

Instagram Hashtags for Bloggers That Will Triple Likes

As I was working on this post, all I could say to myself, over and over again was, "FASCINATING!" I'm going to get right into it because I really think you'll agree. This post is all about Instagram Hashtags for Bloggers to use, that will skyrocket likes. 

Instagram Hashtags for Bloggers that will Triple Likes

There are hashtags that I have been using lately to boost my instagram posts, and I had no idea the origin of the hashtag. I wanted to compile a list of the best hashtags for bloggers to use to increase their likes, find the person/account who created the hashtag, and then test the hashtags for effectiveness. Throughout the duration of this experiment, if you could refer to me as Bill Nye that would be great, thanks. Childhood goals ✓

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The Best Instagram Hashtags for bloggers that will triple likes

Hashtag Set Number One
#thatsdarling || 831k
#darlingmovement || 106k
#darlingweekend || 209k
Hashtag Creator: @darling || 152k followers
Website: Darling Magazine
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  YES!

Images appropriate for this category?
 Styled Shots, Beach, Travel, Lifestyle, Cooking, Pups
So anything other than a gym selfie (unless you can make that artsy)

Hashtag Set Number Two
#thehappynow || 94k
Hashtag Creator: @thehappyhunters || 8k followers

Blog: The Happy Hunters 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  YES!

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything that makes you happy and puts a smile on your face! 
Flowers, Beaches, Bicycles, Morning Coffee... etc. 

Hashtag Set Number Three
#pursuepretty || 77k
Hashtag Creator: @jemmacraig || 117k followers

Blog: Rusty Break 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Not that I could tell

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything soft, feminine, beautiful, colorful 

Hashtag Set Number Four
#Wandeleurspark || 711
Hashtag Creator: @wandeleur || 3.8k

Blog: Wandeleur 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Travel, Architecture, Flowers, Cooking, Cocktails, Home

Hashtag Set Number Five
#ABMlifeissweet || 13k
#ABMtravelbug || 17k
#ABMlifeiscolorful || 105k
#ABMlovesmurals || 2.8k
#ABMHappyLife || 14k
#ABMHappyHour || 386
#ABMSummer || 1.3k
#ABMathome || 10k
#ABMpatternlove || 1.7k
Hashtag Creator: @abeautifulmessofficial || 225k

Blog: A Beautiful Mess
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
They are pretty self explanatory, and widely used.
 I'll save time and energy on this one! 

Hashtag Set Number Six
#Flashesofdelight || 84k
Hashtag Creator: @glitterguide || 349k

Blog: The Glitter Guide 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Flowers, Cooking, Cocktails, Home, Pretty, Colorful, Pets, Friends, Beaches
Anything that makes you smile

Hashtag Set Number Seven
#dametraveler || 82k
Hashtag Creator: @dametraveler || 65k

Blog: Dame Traveler 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Nastasia, the creator of Dame Traveler was kind enough to say what she looks for when curating photos for the #dametraveler gallery! 

"Uniqueness. Anyone can take a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower but what angle is it taken from? How is it framed? Is it natural? Is the lighting creating a magical effect? I also look for high resolution/crisp, non-filtered photos that take you straight to dream world. These are things to consider when taking a Dame Traveler shot!

The definition of the word ‘Dame’ in the dictionary is: 
“The title of a woman who has been awarded of high ranking or of an empire.”

I chose #DameTraveler because I wanted to exemplify strength, fearlessness and courage. When a female travels solo, she throws caution to the wind and she trusts the universe to protect her while she uses her instincts to make strong decisions and that to me is very brave."

Hashtag Set Number Eight
#petitejoys || 17k
Hashtag Creator: co-founded @allieseidel + @rougeandwhimsy

Blog: Allie Seidel + Rouge and Whimsy
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

 Allie, the co-founder of the #petitejoys hashtag was kind enough to say what she looks for when curating photos for the Instagram gallery!

"#petitejoys started as a collaboration project with my longtime friend Erika (@rougeandwhimsy). We wanted a way to document the little moments of happiness even in the midst of hard things. Both acknowledging that life can be tough, while choosing to find the good. We love seeing how the project has grown and the community of joy-finders it has built. "

Hashtag Set Number Nine
#Livethelittlethings || 315k
Hashtag Creator: @runstylerun || 15k

Blog: Run Style Run 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Not that I could see

Images appropriate for this category?
Flowers, Cooking, Cocktails, Home, Pretty, Colorful, Pets, Friends, Beaches

Hashtag Set Number Ten
#KeepItWild || 285k
Hashtag Creator: @campbrandgoods || 91k

Website: Camp Brand Goods 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything Outdoorsy

Hashtag Set Number Eleven
#MyTinyAtlas || 407k
Hashtag Creator: @tinyatlasquarterly || 60k

Website: Tiny Atlas Quarterly 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Mostly Travel

Hashtag Set Number Twelve
#Calledtobecreative || 14k
Hashtag Creator: @_calledtobecreative || 2k

Instagram Founder: Emily Lind 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything artistic, creative, colorful, handmade or designed

Hashtag Set Number Thirteen
#morningslikethese || 197k
Hashtag Creator: @morningslikethese || 37k

Blog: Mornings Like These 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Joy, the founder of the #morningslikethese hashtag was kind enough to say what she looks for when curating photos for the Instagram gallery!

"The #morningslikethese hashtag was created at a time when I needed it most. It's a daily 'call to action' for me to simply remember to wake and practice gratitude daily. Find a moment each morning to be present and thankful. I am instantly drawn to people's tagged mornings that include thoughtful content and relevant imagery. No two mornings are the same and I embrace our community's diversity."

Hashtag Set Number Fourteen
#DScolor || 108k
#DSpattern || 15k
#DSrainbow || 1.4k
#DStexture || 14k
#DSwallpaper || 1.3k
#DSlettering || 5.8k
Hashtag Creator: @designsponge || 427k

Blog: Design Sponge 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
These are all pretty self explanatory, just like ABM! 
Hashtag Set Number Fifteen
#LiveColorfully || 62k
Hashtag Creator: @katespade || 91k

Website: Kate Spade 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Not anymore

Images appropriate for this category?
Girly, colorful, feminine, pretty, home, design, travels, patterns, cockatils

Hashtag Set Number Sixteen
#liveauthentic || 4.4m
Hashtag Creator: @folkmagazine || 610k

Website: Folk Magazine 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything Outdoorsy

Hashtag Set Number Seventeen
#foundforaged || 14k
Hashtag Creator: @laurairion || 50k

Blog: Avery Street Design 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything Interior Design that didn't cost a fortune, home decor developed over the years

Hashtag Set Number Eighteen
#creativityfound || 71k
Hashtag Creator: @trouvemag || 22k

Website: Trouve Mag 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes, If the image includes their magazine

Images appropriate for this category?
Creative and colorful interiors, work spaces, places you find inspiration, crafts, projects, art

Hashtag Set Number Nineteen
#theblogissue || 26k
Hashtag Creator: @theblogissue || 11k

Blog: The Blog Issue 
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Mostly geared toward fashion, but I think anything a blogger would post is good to go

Hashtag Set Number Twenty
#targetdoesitagain || 99k
Hashtag Creator: @targetdoesitagain || 435k

Website: I don't believe they have one
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything from Target (Duh)

Hashtag Set Number Twenty One
#nothingisordinary || 1.9m
Hashtag Creator: @nothingisordinary || 57k

Website: I don't believe they have one, many co-founders
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Absolutely anything beautiful, creative, colorful and pleasing to the eye

Hashtag Set Number Twenty Two
#finditliveit || 505k
Hashtag Creator: @madewithmap || 98k

Website: Made With Map
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Mostly travel, but they have regramed food and decor pictures as well

Hashtag Set Number Twenty Three
#howisummer || 44k
#RSroadtrip || 3.3k
#RSindieshop || 191
#RSreboot || 5.9k
#RSlove || 7.9k
#RSblooms || 2.4k
Hashtag Creator: @real_simple || 225k

Website: Real Simple
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes! Often!

Images appropriate for this category?
Each category is pretty self-explanatory! 

Hashtag Set Number Twenty Four
#mystillsundaycompetition || 11k
Hashtag Creator: @kimklassen || 16.7k

Blog: Kim Klassen
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Still Life Photography <-- center="" feed="" incredible="" is="" this="">

Hashtag Set Number Twenty Five
#prettylittlething || 22k
Hashtag Creator: @officialplt || 187k

Website: Pretty Little Thing
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Girly, colorful, feminine, pretty, home, design, travels, patterns, cockatils

*Note there is also a #prettylittlethings tag with 46k, but I couldn't find the creator*
Hashtag Set Number Twenty Six
#howyouglow || 8.3k
Hashtag Creator: @howyouglow || 53k

Blog: How You Glow
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Not that I could tell

Images appropriate for this category?
Anything that makes you so happy to photograph,
 someone would say you're glowing.
 I just made that up, maybe they should hire me to curate their feed :) 

Hashtag Set Number Twenty Seven
#colorventures || 11.2k
Hashtag Creator: @colorventures 2.2k

Blog: Amy Chen Design or @amyventures
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Think bright bold color
Hashtag Set Number Twenty Eight
#ThatColorProject || 17k
Hashtag Creator: @eslee 78k

Blog: Eslee
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Any picture that makes you say, "But Those Colors Doe..."

Hashtag Set Number Twenty Nine
#makeyousmilestyle || 5.4k
Hashtag Creator: @brightbazaar 101k

Blog: Bright Bazaar
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!

Images appropriate for this category?
Color color color! 
All of the pretty colors that make you happier than holding a 6 week old puppy

Hashtag Set Number Thirty
#myunicornlife || 6.6k
Hashtag Creator: @bourbonandgoose 149k

Blog: Bourbon and Goose
Regrams Images Using Their Hashtag?  Yes!
In fact, they just regrammed my bestie (nbd)

Images appropriate for this category?
Cool, unique, creative, abstract, hip, trendy, colorful... on fleek, if you will
ok sorry... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Other Unique-To-You Hashtags I Would Use
example 1. #dallasblogger || 38k
example 2. #bandofun || 12k
1. Take Your City + Add the word Blogger = #dallasblogger

2. If you have a product in your picture, find out the hashtag that company uses
 i.e. If you have a planner in your image, tag #bandofun to be featured

I created an Instagram account a few days ago for my blog design site, @socialandchic_. I had 0 followers. I repeat, I HAD ZERO FOLLOWERS. I didn't tell anyone to go like my photo, and I didn't link to my photo from my personal Instagram account. I wanted to post a picture and see what kind of likes I could get from using these hashtags. 

I chose 30 hashtags from the list above, the ones I thought most related to my picture. Remember the Hashtag Limit is 30 Tags. I posted my picture and had my hashtags copied and ready to paste. I prefer to post the giant list of hashtags in a comment rather than in my caption. I think most people would agree with that. 

I sat back to watch, thinking I'd get a handful of likes. I'd have been satisfied if I had gotten 12. 
Then this happened. *Insert Jaw Drop

A photo posted by Social + Chic Design Studio (@socialandchic_) on


 I'm going to say it again... "Fascinating!!!!

Below are are the hashtags I used in that above image.
I'd recommend making a note in your phone filled with specific hashtag sets, based on the type of photo your posting, so you can easily copy and paste.

#thatsdarling #thehappynow #pursuepretty #wandeleurspark #makeyousmilestyle #abmlifeissweet #abmlifeiscolorful #abmhappyhour #abmsummer #abmathome #dallasblogger #flashesofdelight #petitejoys #livethelittlethings #dscolor #livecolorfully #liveauthentic #foundforaged #theblogissue #nothingisordinary #finditliveit #howisummer #howyouglow #prettylittlething #colorventures #thatcolorproject #myunicornlife #eeeeeats  

That was the hardest I've ever worked on a post, ever. I need a nap. 
Pay it forward, pin it + save it on blogger!
Follow me on insta if you want, I wouldn't hate it. 

You might also like: 30 MORE Instagram Hashtags for Bloggers That Will Triple Likes
