Things To Do in the Ozarks Mountains, Table Rock Lake and Branson, Missouri | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

20 May 2015

Things To Do in the Ozarks Mountains, Table Rock Lake and Branson, Missouri

As you probably know by now, last week I went on a vacation with CB and his family to the Ozark Mountains, Table Rock Lake and Branson, Missouri. There were an abundance of things to do in the Ozarks and in Branson, both for a family vacationing with kids or for those looking for a romantic relaxing couples vacation. I've got a lot of pictures, so here are my favorite views, scenery and attractions from the week! Oh, and after writing this post, I feel the need to add that this is in no way a sponsored post, but if they would like to send me back please email me at your earliest convenience. 

1. Visit A Winery
Our first day was literally, but thank goodness not figuratively, a wash. The rain poured without ceasing, on what became an 8 hour drive from Dallas. Wanting to maximize every second of our trip, CB and I decided we would spend the afternoon doing what we (I) do best, drinking wine! We took a tour of the indoor Stone Hill Winery in Branson, Missouri. Our tour guide boasted over the winery's many awards, and I see why, Their dry wines they offered were without a doubt some of the best wines I've ever had. We took home a bottle of the Norton and the Hermannsberger

2. Fly fish
I went fishing with CB and his brother three of the days we were there. I had never been fly fishing before, but if someone else does all the work and sets up the pole, then takes the fish off the hook for you, I highly recommend it. We fly fished at Roaring River State Park a couple of times (shown below), and CB and his brother also fly fished on Lake Taneycomo

3. Rent a boat and cruise Table Rock Lake
Lucky enough to wake up Tuesday morning to beautiful sunshine, we enjoyed a full day of floating down Table Rock Lake on the pontoon. Don't you worry, I played bartender and embraced my official roll as the boat's Bloody Mary maker. 

I promise I took more pictures than just of my full serving of fruits, vegetables and vodka, but CB is in them all. Whomp Whomp. 

4. Bike Through Dogwood Canyon
We brought our own bikes with us on the trip, so we saved a few bucks off admission for the bike tour through Dogwood Canyon. I probably would have paid double, it was just that beautiful. I for sure recommend biking, six roundtrip miles could get tiring if you're walking! You can bring your own bike, rent a bike on site, rent a segway, walk or take a bus tour. Caution: Photos of CB's backside ahead....

5. Take a Golf Cart Ride Through The Lost Canyon Cave
And in the most insanely beautiful Wednesday anyone has ever had, we left Dogwood Canyon and headed straight for the Lost Canyon Cave at Top of the Rock. For the best $25 you'll ever spend (plus the cost of beer at their bar, the "Bat Cave"), you get to ride a golf cart through this jaw dropping scenery....

The photographer in me was going a little bonkers with ridiculous delight...

6. Have a Cocktail or Glass of Wine at Top of the Rock
Just when you think you've seen the most beautiful parts of Top of the Rock, you can take a quick shuttle over to their main grounds. There you'll find the Ozarks Natural History Museum, or if you're more like me, you'll find the Buffalo Bar and Wine Cellar. No matter what you're scouting out though, your eyeballs will say "This is the greatest day of our livesssssssss!

 This guyyyyyyy...... 

 7. Let Your Inner Kid Come Out and Play at Silver Dollar City
We spent Thursday riding roller coasters at Branson's awesome amusement park, Silver Dollar City. CB and I both said we thought we were too old to be riding roller coasters, so I decided to tone my maturity level down a few notches, or years in this case.  

 8. Stop the Car
Be prepared to stop the car at a moment's notice. There are incredible scenic overlooks throughout the Ozarks! 

 9. Just Stay Home
Or you could just stay at home. Not a bad idea when your home for the week is a Chalet on Table Rock Lake. BRB... going to move into that little cove with the waterfall in the swimming pool. 

That was a lot of pictures, but I just couldn't leave any out!! 
Can you blame me??! 
