Oh How I Wish You Could See What I See
I share a lot on this blog. I share struggles and insecurities, I share my weekends and my life. I want to show you everything I see. Oddly enough though, you've never seen my boyfriend. You have no idea what his name is. You know a crazy, insane amount about someone I refer to as Chalupa Batman for goodness sake!
Even crazier, if I had to guess, you probably feel like you know him. I hope you feel that way, I mean, I talk about him way too much on here. I told you that he is a fixer and that I'm pretty sure he knows now that it would be in his best interest to clearly define a bet.
One thing that I mentioned briefly in a post a few months ago is a tradition that we have that is quite possibly my favorite thing in the history of ever. We always kiss twice. We were hanging out one day, and he kissed me and I joked... "Nooooo I want another one! I could never just have one of those! They are like potato chips!" So from there on out, we always kiss twice. Maybe it is for good luck, or maybe it is just because, well, kissing is fun... but either way! I think it is a pretty cute superstition to have.
I cannot believe that the universe brought me a man who makes me laugh so hard. A man who likes to do all the same things I like to do. Who loves the same sports teams I do (** highly important, I am actively working on deepening his love for the Vols, but I assure you that he feels some type of way). A man who will try anything and makes me feel brave enough to try anything too. A man who makes me feel beautiful and confident in my own skin. A man who is so proud of me no matter what, and who makes me feel totally unstoppable with him by my side.
I look at him and I am astounded by the things he has accomplished. I'm so impressed and inspired by the sacrifices he's made, and the accomplishments he's achieved up to this point. I love to watch the way he cherishes his family and friends, his kindness to total strangers, the pride he puts into every last thing he does, but especially in our relationship. Every time I see his face, my eyes smile from my cheeks (line credit: Ed Sheeran). I seriously cannot fathom how it manages to get better every single day. I thought I was going to burst open with happiness when we first dropped L Bombs... but looking back, that was nothing compared to how I feel now.
I didn't know that feeling this way about another human being was possible. Sure, I believed in love.... but what I have with CB?? I can't say that I believed that existed. My eyes are tearing up while I type this post because I'm simply not sure what I did to deserve something so special, something so rare, something so life changing and something so beautiful.
Tomorrow will be one year since we started dating. I love you.