Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

13 May 2015

Helene in Between // The BBF Takes Over

Starting a blog is a crazy idea. You're putting yourself out there for others to read. You spend hours and hours and might not make a dime. It can be daunting. But there's one thing that's gotten me through the years of blogging: having a BBF. Nope, not a BFF.

A BBF is a blogging best friend. You can have more than one, but having at least one will really help. Blogging consumes you at times. "Did you join this link up?" "Did you tweet your post?" "Can you see my updated post on Bloglovin?" The list goes on and on. Unless someone is also a blogger, it's hard for them to really get the blogging jargon or have an idea of what you spend all those hours doing.

I was lucky enough to get to meet Sarah face to face (though a BBF can be thousands of miles away). We clicked instantly, like a mouse to a mac, just kidding... and I knew I could come to her with all my blogging lows and woes. We celebrate milestones together, we encourage each other, and we find ways to improve our blogs together.

But I didn't want to talk just about our BBF kinship. Today, I wanted to give you 5 things you can learn from Sarah's blog.

1. Sports

I love Sarah's blog because she puts sports terminology in ways I can understand. I grew up loving baseball but I'm virtually clueless about everything else. Every single time there is a major sporting event I can count on her blog to bring me the knowledge and make me feel cool when conversations drift to athletics.

2. Design

This girl has skills. I know basic HTML, but Sarah is the queen of graphics. I use her design services on my own blog because she gets me while making it look really pretty.

3. Real Talk

Sarah is honest and real. She reveals herself on her blog in a way that makes you want to get to know her and be her friend. You can be her friend. Just not her BBF. That role is already taken.

4. Picture taking

Every single picture Sarah posts on her blog is pretty and pinnable. I admit, sometimes I get in a rush and don't put in the extra effort. She always does. She also taught me my favorite lesson as of recent: how to manually size blog photos.

5. Friendship

Sarah knows how to be a good friend.
She emulates this on her blog and in the way she talks about her
relationship with CB, her mom, and her other friends.

Sarah and I are such great friends, even our dogs get along!



  1. Two of my favorite bloggers! So happy to know you're friends IRL!

  2. I love Sarah blog for all the sport talk.

  3. Ah the blogging bestie. I have met the coolest people even with KGB being a little quiet the last few months. BTW...I may be in Dallas this summer :) I'm totally stalking/meeting you guys to a bar lol

  4. yay!!! BBFs for life. this is me commenting on my own post, cool Helene...

  5. Just being real - you two are my blog crushes.

  6. Let me know if you guys ever need another to go with to a Mavs game lol

  7. Love this!! BBFs are probably the biggest highlight in being apart of the blogging world. Now if only I can just hop on a plane to Dallas and you gals can show me the fun ropes... ;)

  8. That picture is too cute. I agree that Sarah makes you feel like you are friends.

  9. I don't have a BFF, just saying so I am glad you do and that she is bloody awesome

  10. You two are the cutest blogger BFFs of all time!


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