What is a No-Reply Blogger and How To Fix It If You Are A No-Reply Blogger | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

02 April 2015

What is a No-Reply Blogger and How To Fix It If You Are A No-Reply Blogger

There are tons of people who regularly comment on my blog -- and I'm certain your blog -- who I can't get back in touch with because they are a no-reply blogger. I already have two different tutorials to fix being a no-reply blogger (here and here), but with a new blogger born every 7 minutes, and so many bloggers migrating to Wordpress,  I thought I would combine the two tutorials today. I'm not sure about the 7 minute statistic, btw, just a guess...  

A no-reply blogger is someone that leaves a comment on a blogger blog, but doesn't have their email address linked to their account. Let me explain via pictures. 

Here is a comment that Helene left on my blog. Helene blogs on the blogger platform and IS a reply-blogger. So, when I receive her comment in my email inbox, I can automatically email her back, easily replying to her comment. 

Ok, so what does it look like when I receive a comment from a no-reply blogger? Here is my mom leaving a comment, she is an example of a no-reply blogger.


There are three kinds of no-reply bloggers

1. No-reply bloggers that blog in blogger, and just haven't opted to display their e-mail address on their account.

2. No-reply bloggers caused by google plus

3. No-reply bloggers caused by not having a blogger account 
(i.e. Wordpress users, non-bloggers, when your mom leaves a comment... etc)

Here is what it looks like when you ARE A REPLY-BLOGGER. I'll use my friend Helene as an example again. 

If your email address is not listed, you are a no-reply blogger. 

Furthermore, if you click your blogger profile and it takes you to a google plus screen (shown below) you are a no-reply blogger caused by google plus. Here is what happens when I click that NO-REPLY comment my mom left, it takes us to her google plus page. 

Now let's fix! 
Identify which of the 3 types of no-reply blogger you are,
then scroll down to see how to fix. 

If you are a relatively new to blogger, you most likely fall under this category.  I've reverted my profile to no-reply to use as an example. Here is how to fix.



If you click your blogger profile and it takes you to your google plus page, you are a no reply blogger caused by google plus. Here is how to fix. 

Step 1: 
Click the settings icon from your dashboard. (Looks like a wheel or a really ugly flower)
You will have an option that says REVERT TO BLOGGER PROFILE

Step 2:
Switch to a limited blogger profile

Then continue to blogger....

Step 3:
Go back in and edit your blogger profile from your dashboard


Be sure the box labeled show my email address has a giant check mark in it.

Save changes


 If you blog in Wordpress, rather than blogger, here are a couple of ideas you can use to fix being a no-reply blogger!

1. Create a gmail account
If you don't already have one, create one, and login to that account via Blogger.com. After you make an account in blogger, confirm that your email address is displayed on your profile by using FIX #1 above. This is the easiest option. 

2. When you leave a comment, include your email address
I know lots of people include their URL anytime they leave a comment, well, why not leave your email address too! That way you can be emailed directly back by the blogger you are leaving a comment with!

Ok that was a lot of information, but unfortunately blogger really knows how to make communication difficult. Holler if you have any questions!

If you aren't sure if you are no-reply or not, feel free to leave me a comment with your email address written in the comment. I'll email you back and let you know yes or no! 
