So this year I was thinking about making a card for Chalupa Batman for Valentine's Day and I couldn't think of anything that appropriately expressed how I feel about him. Just because I blog doesn't mean I have a way with words, so I was forced to look elsewhere for poetic, romantic inspiration. I find that singer/songwriters have such a lyrical and romantic way of expressing themselves, so what better place than to just take their words and make them my own?
Card Idea #1
Card Idea #2
Card Idea #3
Card Idea #4
Card Idea #5
Card Idea #6
Card Idea #7
Card Idea #8
Card Idea #9
Card Idea #10
(Written by yours truly and yours truly only!)
So which one should I give to CB for Valentine's Day? Leave me a comment with your vote for best card! Might I suggest not voting for #10 though, because alas, it is just a wasted vote.
A blogger can dream though, right?