Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK GIVEAWAY to a VTIM Reader | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

05 November 2014

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK GIVEAWAY to a VTIM Reader

Thanks to Barnes & Noble and Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK for sponsoring today's discussion

I'll admit it... I read 50 Shades of Grey. Well, let me step back for a minute.

I purchased a physical copy of the book a few years ago at a second hand book store (yeah yeah yeah, I know, 1984 called and want their way of reading back) and brought the book on a plane with me. I was headed to see my mom in VA Beach. As I was middle-seat sandwiched between a well-dressed older business man, and a younger, probably mid-twenties jock dressed head to toe in an Adidas swishy jump suit... I pulled out my very well worn second hand copy of 50 Shades of Grey and flipped to page one. 

I then felt a tap on my shoulder from the business man who said, "My wife read that. She told me allllll about it. Quite the steamy page turner, huh? Don't breathe too loud on us poor guys over here, I see you've read this one a few times before." 

He thought he was being hilarious, and was clearly light-heartedly joking with me. Meanwhile, in Sarah land, I then died. Dead. Death. To continue the basic girl series of words... I literally couldn't even. 

I awkwardly chuckled as my hand darted, faster than you can say secure your breathing mask, to my copy of the Sky Mall. I never took the book out of my backpack again. Heck, I think it is still in that pink Jansport shoved in the back of my closet. 

Ok but, I still wanted to read the book.... in the privacy of my own home....where I don't have to stress over the volume at which I read....

Enter the new Samsung Galaxy Tab® 4 NOOK® which allowed me to read everything from 50 Shades of Grey, to Cosmo Magazine on its 7 inch brilliant HD display... without Snoopy McSnooperson business man having any idea what novel or publication I'm holding in the palm of my hands!

Last night, I started The Fault In Our Stars!

The new NOOK by Samsung comes in both white and black color options. With customizable NOOK Profiles, every member of the family (even Gee and Veenie if they ever learn to read) can create their own immersive reading experience. My favorite part of the tablet is just that, it is a fully-functioning tablet including front and rear cameras, web surfing and GPS. 

With Samsung’s Multi Window innovation, you can even use more than one app simultaneously. Plus all NOOK content is safely stored in the NOOK Cloud, so books, magazines and newspapers can be accessed across all NOOK devices, as well as on PCs and mobile devices using the Free NOOK Reading Apps for Android, iOS and Windows 8.1. Barnes & Noble also syncs every last page read across all NOOK devices and apps, so readers can seamlessly pick up right where they left off on all connected devices.

You can visit your local Barnes & Noble to experience the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK firsthand, receive complimentary, personal NOOK support, take advantage of a full calendar of popular NOOK events, including NOOK Night workshops, family Storytimes, book discussion groups and author signings.

The new NOOK by Samsung is just $169.99 after a $30 instant rebate and comes with more than $200 in free reading and entertainment content.

But you can win your very own New 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK right now for FREE!

::Here's How to Win Your Own Nook By Samsung::

1. Click Here

2. Scroll down to the features section and leave a comment below telling me which feature listed on that page is your favorite. Or which feature you feel you would benefit the most from on this page

3. Bonus Entry: Like this post via Bloglovin
(if you like the post via bloglovin, please let me know that in your comment, so I can add your bonus entry) 

* Offered to US Residents ONLY, 18 years or older

******* This giveaway is now closed as of 11/17/2014 and winner notified ******* 
