Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

17 November 2014

Are Y'all, Like, Grown Ups?

Unlike the vast majority of females on this planet, I am always hot.  I'm not sure if I have an actual problem, or it's my body's reaction to Texas, or I just have so much frizzy curly hair trying to escape the confines of the straightened state, that it doubles as a sweat lodge... but I'm constantly a human space heater. 

So when I tell you it is cold outside... you can believe that it is coooooold outside! What gives here? No Fall in Texas? Two weeks ago it was 81 degrees! This morning, 28 and it even snowed last night. Don't get me wrong, I love the winter oh so much, but can't we ease into it, for allergy sufferer's sake? 

Actually, forget allergies, when you see what I did this weekend, outdoors, you'll be confident I have/will soon have pneumonia! 

Let's discuss...

On Saturday evening, with temperatures maxing out at a lovely 35 degrees, CB and I went to see Lil Jon at an outdoor neon foam party. 

Mistake-o-the-night... I wore boat shoes. But I did this because I was ok with them getting ruined. I didn't consider that boat shoes flood with water. And I also did not consider that foam, is in fact, water. This was day one in Canada all over again.... 

As you can see though, other than my unfortunate choice in footwear, I did a good job of bundling up! As compared to the absolute moron girls, who couldn't have been more than 16 years old, wearing boy shorts, bikini tops and mesh arm sleeves. I'm sure those mesh arm sleeves are so much warmer than I'm giving them credit for....

One nice young lady even asked CB, and I quote,"Are y'all, like, actually grown ups?" Yes I am a grown up and this beer is delicious and my 401k is doing swimmingly, thank you for asking. 

Ok other than that, the concert was a DANG BLAST!! We raged and jumped and danced and screamed and got soaking wet, but enjoyed every second of the show! Added bonus of being a grown up in an audience filled with 18 year olds... no beer lines! 

 Not sure why I'm doing this awkward wave in the majority of the photos.... "hello!" I guess...

They also handed out glow powder packs! As you can see I'm clearly enjoying a pink powder pack in the image above! And the picture below shows the massive mounds of neon foam all over the ground. Kind of a cool picture, if I do say so myself!

And then back to the waving hello again... "Hello Mr. Jon!"  
Because that is what the cool kids are doing, waving a polite hello will for sure get his attention 
(gah, my grown up is really showing...)

 ... and then the after product... 
...turn down for showers....

As I'm sure you could have guessed, Sunday was spent in bed... thawing out... in these new sheets I got that will make you sleep like a baby. 

A warm, snug as a bug in a rug, sweet little baby grown up without a care in the world. Only $19.99. You're welcome. 



  1. This truly looks like a blast, even in the cold. The neon foam pictures?! So awesome. Sign me up.

  2. I love the neon foam pics. The concert looks like it was a ton of fun! Georgia weather isn't much different than Texas' right now, it sounds so I know exactly what you're talking about. My whole family is sick and can't shake it. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. This looks SO fun! If only it was going on this weekend when I'm actually coming up to Dallas... Bummer.

    I do what I want.

  4. I've never been to a foam party or day glo or anything else where people throw random colors at you, but this looks so fun!
    I feel you with the cold. Colorado just got hit with snow last week (when it was in the 80s the day before) and I am so not prepared!

  5. That looks like it was sooooooooo much fun but COLD! There has been a couple of concerts we have been to where we were the oldest people there it seemed. All kids barely dressed and sneaking alcohol and acting like complete idiots...good times HA!

  6. This looks amazing! I totally want to go to one now- and Target Flannel sheets = the best!

  7. okay that looks like way too much fun!

  8. you look so freaking cute. i love the outfit. although, good to know about boat shoes. love the shot of lil john. and it was FREEZING. i can't believe you braved it all!

  9. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you don't have pneumonia...altho at least you'll have these fun pictures to look back on while you're sick in bed! :)

  10. I don't know why but foam parties always remind me of a certain episode of CSI...thankfully you had a very different experience. I love the pictures you got, it looks like it would have been an amazing time! All neon everything is my favourite!

  11. Ok, you win the weekend! This looks awesome!! I didn't even know this was going on! Epic fail for me.

  12. This looks so fun! I think you're the cool kind of grown-up that everyone wants to be when they grow up. Also I'm captivated by the foam picture. So many bright colors. And I'll take those flannel sheets, please.

  13. Oh my gosh this looks like so much fun! I've never heard of a neon foam party but it sounds awesome!

  14. I will be buying those sheets ASAP

  15. I ordered those sheets from Target a few days ago (in gray marble, in case you're curious.) Tony and I bought a King Tempurpedic mattress last year, so I take it as an excuse to buy new sheets whenever the hell I want!

  16. That looks super fun though. I think I would suffer a lot of things to see Lil Jon up close and personal!

  17. That concert seriously looks like so much fun! Even with it being so cold out.

  18. That sounds like so much fun! You got some great pictures, too!

  19. I have to remind myself that I'm an adult. I just don't feel very grown up.

  20. OMG there is no way I would have gotten out Saturday night as cold as it was! I bet you were FREEZING in all of that foam! You go on with your cool adult self girl!
    ~Elise @

  21. About that weather? WELCOME TO TEXAS! It's supposed to be in the 70's (and rainy) this weekend though!

  22. You and CB always have so much fun. I haven't seen his face but I know he's a keeper!

  23. That actually looks like a lot of fun! Freaking cold, but fun.

  24. This looks like so much fun! But I hate cold weather..Ill stay in the sunshine state ;)

  25. Am I the only person who doesn't like flannel sheets? I mean, I like the idea of them, but then I get so hot that they just make me angry.

    Ask that neon foam looks awesome. Glad you guys had fun.


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