13 Relationships That Ended On Better Terms Than When Lane Left Tennessee
Sheesh at this rate, Fan Friday is going to have to be renamed Tennessee Friday. Strange, considering one of the teams that I love is being considered one of the best teams in the NFL, yet all I want to do is talk about Tennessee, which some may consider one of the worst teams in the SEC.
Ah well, when in Rome... Agree to disagree... Tomato, tomato (that one doesn't work via type).... Yada yada yada... How bout dem Cowboys doe?
Today I want to talk about 13 relationships that ended on better terms than when Lane Kiffin peaced out of Tennessee. For those of you that don't know, Lane Kiffin left Tennessee faster than you can say Douche Nozzle (Sorry there really is no other term to use there) when he was presented with his quote unquote, dream job. He didn't pass go, he didn't collect $200. After one season, and just days before the most important day of the year in college football, National Signing Day, Kiffin was g-o-n-e gone.
1. When Berger broke up with Carrie on a Post-It
2. That time Shells broke up with Scott on a light pole
3. When he or she left a pizza parting gift (I wouldn't even be mad, bro)
4. When the relationship came to a close over the phrase, "Sorry, Matey"
5. I always liked Jared better anyway....
6. When Kit was kind enough to wait for her...
7. When it rains, it pours (hah, see what I did there?)
8. I'm sure she wanted to learn a new language anyway
9. Things always easier to take in when abbreviated. Totes.
10. Dear Syd_ross, Tennessee fans are, like, way cuter)
11. Personally, I wouldn't date someone who doesn't proofread important documents anyway.
12. Good one. You're way more clever than Andy will ever be.
13. Now you are single AND have a drawing of a giraffe... winning!
So this Saturday, Lane will be returning to Knoxville for the first time since his horrid departure, when the Vols take on Bama. Apparently his mom is frightened for her son's safety.