Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

31 October 2014

Is This A Costume?

...VTIM Presents... 
:::: Is This A Costume? ::::

1. Is This A Costume?
2. Is this a costume?
3. Is this a costume?

4. Is this a costume?

5. Is this a costume?
6. Is this a costume?
7. Is this a costume?

8. Is this a costume?

 9.  Is this a costume?

10. Is this a costume?

11. Is this a costume?
12. Is this a costume?
Naughty Nemo???!!?
13. Is this a costume?

14. Is this a costume?

15. Is this a costume?

Any questions? 

HAH! All in good fun, kids! Be whoever you want be! 
Linking up with Taylor and Helene

Happy Halloween!

Dallas Mavericks Home Game Opener

Without fail, each year right around this time I start getting really irritated with my football season, and welcome basketball back with ridiculous, open-armed excitement. College ball tips off in early November, and the NBA is freshly underway. In fact, last night I got to attend the first Mavs home game of the season. We picked a great one to go to, because not only did the Mavs route Utah, but it was free t-shirt night. People go bonkers over free t-shirts, and I am no exception.

And look, CB even let me put a picture on the blog! Errr...sorta. He's real though, see! There is a neck and a hand visible in this photo! Baby steps people... tiny, itty bitty, newborn baby, just learnin' shapes and colors baby steps.

You remember when you went on Summer break in 10th grade, and came back for your junior year and the boys all got hot. Yeah, well the Mavs must be juniors because they got hot. Chandler Parsons... holla at yo girl. I'll be your Dallas "tour guide." Yeahhhhh that's what we'll call it, your "tour guide"...

Ok, but Chandler... seriously doe...

Here is a little tune I put together for you guys to celebrate the gloriousness of basketball season! Yes, gloriousness is a word. Sorry, I'm not a poet and I know it. Just follow along and humor me! 

Sing to the good old fashion tune: It's the most wonderful time of the year.

It's the most wonderful time of the year
When the centers start jumping
And mascots start yelling
get up and CHEER!
It's the most wonderful time of the year

It's the hap-happiest season of all
With those technical foulings
And pissed off bad feelings
When your starters begin to show fear
It's the hap-happiest season of all

It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be wins for toasting
referees for roasting
And chanting, "Go team go!"

There'll be scary foul shooting
and tales of the glories
of championships long, long ago
It's the most wonderful time of the year

It's the hap-happiest season of all
There will be much liquor flowing
and hearts will start failing
when upsets are near
It's the hap-happiest season of all!

Hah.... I'm no T. Swift, that is for sure.

A big happy welcome to the beginning of basketball season!

And Happy Halloween! We are heading to a Halloween party on Saturday (not on actual Halloween, weird I know) and to say I'm excited about my costume is a mega understatement! I'll of course post it on insta the second I'm done getting ready. Because, if you don't Instagram your Halloween costume, did Halloween really happen?

Anyone care to make any guesses on what my costume is???

Venus Trapped in Mars

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30 October 2014


Linking up with Helene and Taylor today! I linked up with three out of 31 prompts this month. That is 10% of prompts when you round up! Alright, double digits! 

Today I present to you...
The facts (that I can think of at this current moment in time) of Sarah: an Autobiography. 

Now many of these things you will already know if you read the blog everyday, so that just leaves my mom. For everyone else... legggo!  

1. Places I've Lived
When I meet new people, and they ask where I'm from, I get really anxious having to answer that question. Virginia is where I was born, but Tennessee will always be home sweet home to me. And then there was that time I lived in Kentucky.... Screw it, here is a map:

2. My Dad passed away when I was 19
Dealing with a loss is different for everyone. I had a really hard time for a couple of years. But now, I look at losing my dad as knowing that I've got someone watching over me, guiding me in the right direction and bringing certain people into my life, at the very moment I need them most. Pretty cool, huh? 

3. I have a Public Relations degree with a business minor from THE University of Tennessee 
I have no desire to do anything in the Public Relations field. That was a mistake. I don't like handling crisis, like, at all. And as much as I support volunteering and donating to charities, I don't want to work in non-profit again (did that once). All that said, I learned so much about the communications field, and I'm a firm believer that anything you need to know, can be found at the University of Google. 

4. FACT: I currently reside in the greatest little town in America: Deep Ellum
Rent in Deep Ellum is such a fantastic value for what you're getting in return. Plus, I can walk to anything, from food to bars to shopping, and new restaurants, breweries and bars pop up literally overnight.

From what people have told me, Deep Ellum used to be THE place to be in Dallas back in the 90s, but then it took a big hit and went down hill. The early 2000s left it filled with abandoned buildings and a high crime rate. Just recently, the area has been given new life, thanks to some of Dallas' most popular restaurants (Pecan Lodge) and unique bars (Truth and Alibi) moving in the hood. If you are looking to buy property, snag it now in Deep Ellum, because damn is it making a comeback! 

5. I have two boyfriends 
This guy. And this guy. One I've been with for years and years and years, the other just for about 5 months. One doesn't mind having his picture on the blog, while the other prefers to be incognito. I know what you're thinking, and to go ahead and answer your question.... yes, they each know about the other, and yes they are ok (tickled even) when we all hang out together. 

6. I am an only child 
Which leads me to my next point...

7. I'm a sore loser 
You really don't want to play me (and beat me) in any sport or game that doesn't involve being on a team. So that includes but is not limited to: Tennis, Sorry, Monopoly, Golf, Horse, 21, 500. I also get very angry when my team is losing. I am the reason there could potentially be a fight at sporting event. When someone is rooting for the other team... right in front of me? Awww nah, hold my bag.... 
8. Although I played basketball my whole life, my dad would have told you that I should have been a golfer. 
But golf was boring. Basketball was fun (when we were winning, of course). And think, if I hadn't played basketball, then I wouldn't have a picture of me holding a bball on fire.

 9. I require constant entertainment
I am the exact opposite of a homebody. I love being out, having plans, doing stuff. Even if it is just being out roaming around aimlessly. I'll try anything once, and I can probably thank having this blog for that. Because, like I said yesterday, "Attitude is the Difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure!" 

10. Miranda Lambert is my favorite person on this planet
I cried when I went to visit her hometown. And also when I saw her in concert for the first time last year. Because that's normal. 

I'm sure I have about a billion more facts that could fill up volume 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.... but this post is really long already, and 10 is a round number, so we will stop there! 

Helene in Between Blogtober
