Today is my best friend's *insert very low number here because she might be angry if i inserted the actual number and that is not how to treat a birthday girl*-st/nd/rd/th birthday.
My best friend is my mama. You can call her Ann (or mama venus if you're Ashten, which for the record tickles her to death), but if I called her Ann she would say my tongue was going to stick up out of my grave. So, I generally keep with calling her mom, for fear of the future tongue grave.
I've heard we look alike?
And dance alike...
And eat alike, and drink alike, and work alike, and cry alike, and care alike and do a bunch of other alike things good too...
Now, the only thing my mom loves more than me, is her twitter account. I thought I got sad when I tweeted something I thought was awesome, then immediately lost 12 followers. But remember that time I said we are alike, about 7 seconds ago? Well, I'm certain my sweet mama goes through the 5 stages of grief over just a single lost follower.
With that said, I would love love love if you would help me wish my mom (@anncaudle) a happy birthday on twitter and/or leave her a blog comment below. I have zero doubts in my mind, she will think this is the coolest birthday ever and will be tickled to death by the social media birthday love!
And since I was sick on Friday and MIA, I'm here with a very important announcement that my colleague was kind enough to pick up my slack on, and announce! GET PUMPED for this month's #TotalSocial!!!

The theme for July, which will take place this Thursday, July 17th is favorites with the hashtag #FavTotalSocial. I think I'm going to go with my favorite blog post to date, but you can blog, insta, tweet, facebook and pin your favorite of absolutely anything.
I'm a big fan of playing favorites, so if you're like me, you could write a post about your favorite child (correct, I don't have one of those, you're right. Just giving examples there turbo calm down), your favorite dog, your favorite blogger (*ahem* this girl *ahem*). Instagram a picture of your favorite friend, or your favorite sports team. Facebook a status dedicated to your favorite Facebook fan page (may I recommend this one? It gets, like, 14 total views per status, you're welcome). Tweet to your favorite celebrity or singer in hopes that they will retweet. Or Pin your favorite recipe or #OOTD!
So Helene and I will see you on Thursday, ready to play favorites! For more #TotalSocial details, go here!