Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

09 April 2014


Today was one of those days of going back and forth in my head... "Should I post... should I not post... am I gonna post... I dunno it is already 9:45 I have so much to do...." 

But when I saw the Japanese whatever this crap is candy in the break room I figured you guys couldn't make it through the day (week, your life) without knowing that these existed. Whatever they are...

And What. Is. That. But really, what is that? It kinda looks like meat, but it is really goopy when you press down on it. Although it most certainly isn't the worst thing I've ever seen the Japanese guys bring us. Not the worst thing at all. 

This was freeze dried anchovies. Holy vomit Batman. I actually picked up the bag that day, not realizing someone had opened it, and the smell smacked me across the face like an angry house wife. I think I fell to my knees in disgust, I can't really remember. 

One thing I can remember is how much fun I had last night getting to meet Ashten who was in the Big D for work! 

The three of us hit it off instantly. There wasn't a dull moment in conversation. Lots of smiles, as you can sort of see in this picture above. Yay iPhone! Ashten had a work dinner that night, so Helene and I hit up some dinner at Jakes afterwards! 

Can you think of a better Tuesday night? I know I can't! I may have mentioned this once or twice about a billion times but blogging really is the coolest thing out there. It was so great meeting Ashten, I'm hoping we can meet up in Atlanta sometime in the near future!

I also wanted to congratulate the BIG MARCH MADNESS WINNERS for Bracks on Bracks on Bracks!! 

First Place: Anna from The Anna Belle Blog
Second Place: Misty (aka the birthday girl!) from Handbags and Handguns
Third Place: Rachell from Barefoot and Beachfront

I bow down to you ladies. I'm not worthy. 
I'll be emailing you about your prizes this afternoon! 

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  1. Annnnnd, insta gag reflex as soon as I laid my eyes on those freeze dried anchovies. WHY?!

  2. I love blogger meet ups! I am totally calling when I come to Dallas! That candy looks awful!

  3. Those frozen thingys look horrid, I can't. I'll be hittin ya up if I'm ever in Dallas :)!

  4. I have cousins living in Japan and they send me a box of snacks every other month. Far more worthy than the crap they put in your break room. Let me know if you need a hook up on proper snacks.

  5. I'm pretty jealous of that hang out! But that candy looks... interesting. Some Japanese candy is amazing... some is just weird!

  6. Oh dear Lord, I think I just gagged. The get together sounded so fun!

  7. The fk is that stuff!? Atleast tell me the chocolate was good! In other news, I would much rather barf inducing anchovies rather than these salted caramel biscotti minis we currently have in the office that I can't seem to put down :(

  8. congrats to the winner. I wouldn't be eating any of that food.

  9. I have students from Japan that always bring me back gifts... my favorite are the chocolate filled koala cookies and the green tea flavored kit kats

  10. Ewwwwwww. Excuse me as I hold back my instant vom with the picture or even though of those anchovies! Some of that stuff might be good....but not the last two pictures. They say don't judge a book by its cover but if it looks like fish with eyes...or a mystery meat....then I say it is safe to judge away!

  11. Fun time with the ladies!! :) You're all adorable.

  12. The Japanese certainly seem to be extra creative with their snacks...I prefer to keep thing simple.

  13. We have a Japanese supermarket nearby. You can find some really interesting things there...

    I love meeting bloggers! I'm going to be in Dallas in a couple of weeks!

  14. How cool! I'd love to meet fellow bloggers in real life! No one really comes to Indiana, though. ;)

  15. Jealous of this super blogger power meeting.

  16. I can't believe they just put little freeze fried dead fish in a bag? SO gross!!

  17. Lolololol, my mom LOVES snacking on weird things like that. Growing up eating Asian foods really strengthens your stomach!

  18. Yay for me! Also, I totally babe ruth-ed it by claiming first place on twitter before the tournament started! (Bragging rights are part of the prize package, right?)

    Also, those fish look gross, but I bet my cat would like them! My dad brought home freeze-dried octopus from Japan once and my little brother loved it, so you never know!

  19. why did someone open the anchovie bag in the first place? also, I love how the "meat" thing says 'do not eat' on the right hand side.

  20. Crunky? Okay. Anchovies? Not okay to begin with, let alone dried and shipped across the ocean.

  21. Crunky made me think of Lil Jon!

  22. You are right we needed to know that candy existed. I probably wouldn't eat it though lol

  23. my mom usually has a bag of those tiny anchovies in her freezer. long story, but I had a pet duck as a kid and we would give him those as treats.... hmm, this sounds like the beginnings of a blog post...

  24. I love that the packaging on the weird purplish things says "Do not eat" as the only English words on it.

  25. I'll be in Japan in two days! I wonder what fantastic foods I can find there!

  26. I forgot all about this. Second place is better than last place!

  27. gross. i mean, that shit looks weird.

  28. I love exploring Japanese snacks! My friend brought me blueberry gum once, it was pretty good actually!



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