Anthropologie Giveaway + Let's GIF Crazy | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

26 March 2014

Anthropologie Giveaway + Let's GIF Crazy

Before I introduce this month's gorgeous ESPN2 ladies and the Anthro giveaway, I wanted to make a quick announcement that I am teaming up with my girl Marty from Marty with the Party for a special BASEBALL OPENING DAY themed Fan Friday post this week! This will be a one time linkup taking place this Friday. Come link up anything baseball related... because hello, yay for the national holiday: Opening Day!

Venus Trapped in Mars

Now let's meet my ESPN2 ladies for the month of March, shall we? Plus, they've each picked a GIF to help you get to know them better. So click it or ticket! OH, and don't forget to enter our giveaway to one of my favorites, ANTHROPOLOGIE!!

Meet Kate!
Start with these posts ::  The Time I Ended Up Sobbing in a Parking Lot // #bloggerprobz
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Kate via GIF!

Meet Jamie!
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Jamie via GIF!

Meet Jane!
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Jane via GIF!

Meet Casey!
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Casey via GIF!

Meet Tia!
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Tia via GIF! 

Britt // Tia // Kate

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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