When I was a little girl, just 4 or 5 years old, my dad would teach me nursery rhymes and little sayings. He would then parade me around in front of family and friends and have me recite the rhymes and sayings for everyone to ohhh and ahhh over how smart I was.
There was this one poem called "Trees" and the first verse ---or is it a line? Whatever, that isn't the point, I'm not sure what poems are called but you know what I mean--- well the first verse goes like this....
"I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree..."
So line (verse) by line (verse) Dad continued to have me memorize the poem. Then one day, keep in mind I was just 4 years old, when all the family was over, and we were all socializing, Dad called everyone's attention to have me recite the poem for my audience.
Dad would start me out by saying the first few words of the poem...
"Alright Sar, I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a..............."
I screamed out loud, excitedly for my audience. It was then that my parents probably realized they had a problem on their hands. It was then that I discovered a deep, undeniable love for poetry. And by poetry I mean shopping.
Have you ever seen that episode of Saved by the Bell when Lisa Turtle opens her locker and reveals a map of the Bayside mall? She goes, "I have a map of every mall from here to Tijuana!" That is me, except I won't read a mall map while in the mall, that is like raising your hand during Turbo Kick to admit to the instructor that you are new. Just keep walking, you'll find your way.
If there is a mall near me, I'll find it. On my work trips, I usually have very little time to myself, but I almost always manage to find the nearest mall heaven to walk to and get my fix. In no particular order, because I will not play favorites with such a delicate topic, here are my top 10 favorite malls I've visited....
1. Short Pump Town Center - Richmond, Va
2. Sawgrass Mills - Sunrise, Florida
3. Tyson's Corner - McLean, Va
4. Fashion Island - Newport Beach, Ca
5. Toronto Eaton Centre - Toronto, CA
6. Lenox Square Mall - Atlanta, Ga
7. Plaza La Isla - Cancun, Mexico
8. The Mall at Green Hills- Nashville, Tn
9. Northpark Mall- Dallas, Tx
10. My last shopping excursion is for a place that I have never been before, Las Vegas. This is a dream of mine to visit Las Vegas, not just for the shows and casinos, but for the shopping (duh)! I've traveled so many places in the US and abroad, but I've never been to Las Vegas. I've partnered with Travel Associates to bring you a guide to shopping and traveling in Vegas! Just hover your mouse over this image below to get the best outlet and retail shopping tips for Vegas. Plus, be sure to visit their site to find deals for holiday trips and vacation experiences all over the world!

So, what mall or shopping destination would you add to my list?