Return on Investment, or R.O.I. is the name of the game today. And to be non-sports friendly I've even kicked it off with a fashion choice! You're welcome people who avoid my blog on Fridays!
Which actually leads me to a side note. My blog traffic is always lower on Fridays. Not a lot lower, no, but Friday will never be my big traffic day. I think people know I write about sports, so they skip over my little link that day! Even so, I will continue to try and convince all my girlfriends how amazing sports are until I'm old and wobbly, but alas sports posts aren't for everyone, and that is totally ok! But what is not ok is for a blogger to quit something they are passionate about just because other people don't share that passion. I started this blog to convince every single girl on the face of this earth that sports are the greatest thing in all the land, and I'll never quit that!
So that was my little PSA for the day, back to ROI and Fan Friday....
Better ROI Louis Vuitton Speedy or Christian Louboutin Shoes $800?
Drop in the bucket for an Upper East Sider... Mortgage payment for an Upper North Dallasite... If you were going to drop $800 on designer duds, what gets the better ROI in your opinion?
My vote is the Louis over the Loubi. Although the Louboutin is the "it" shoe and this classic black pump is uber fabulous, the Louis Speedy will never go out of style and goes with EVERY outfit and occasion. This arm candy is beautiful, well crafted, a statement piece... not to mention it never gives you blisters.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Loubi's fabulocity would be brought down a notch If I rocked them at the mall standing next to Bubba and his girlfriend Rhonda rocking matching Tweety Bird t-shirts in line at JCPenny...
Better ROI: NFL Tickets or NFL Jersey?
Both will set you back around $125. Would you rather have an in-person experience with pictures that last a lifetime or look fly in a jersey at your local sports bar with the game on the big screen? Well, if you've seen any of my pictures on instagram this season, you'll see me rocking T-shirts, not jerseys, at 3 cowboys games this season. I'll choose tickets all day long.
Better ROI: NBA or MLB
Let's agree to disagree that an NFL experience not only is better than baseball and basketball but it also costs 4x as much. So with NBA and MLB tickets averaging the same amount per ticket, which is the better ROI? Growing up a hard core basketball fan, I'm inclined to pick the NBA, but there is just something so special about baseball games. The big beers, the foam fingers, the baseball hats and cracker jacks, the call of the spring weather... I gotta go with MLB for the win on this one!
Better ROI: Getting the chance to shoot half court shot for 500,000 or throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game?
So technically both of these are free and priceless. But which would you rather do? Winning $500,000 would be totally, absolutely incredible. But I've practiced that half court shot about 500,000 times, and have made it maybe 1% of the time. I don't like them odds.
On the other hand, when you throw out the first pitch, you always get a picture with the catcher, the team's autographs, you get to be on the field and meet the players, it is a once in a lifetime experience! Put me in coach, I'm ready to play today, look at me I can be center fie---- I mean---- pitcher. Baseball wins here for me!
What do you think, do you agree with my picks?
Linking up with Whitney
I had to go with this song today because I was pretty darn proud of myself for finding a song Helene liked this week, and hadn't heard yet! I gave new music to the music master, go me! :)

- Write a post about anything listed here
- Grab a button. (It's glittery, would you have expected anything less?)
- Follow me so we can be friends
- Meet new friends who also like sports and being a fan
- Hop, hop, hop.... hop around

I love your Fan Friday posts! Keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteAlso, the Louis over the Loubi ANYDAY! Purses don't touch the ground or have the ability to get nearly as dirty, worn and scuffed as the shoes could. Or..maybe that's just MY shoes. :)
Personally, if I was gonna drop the $800, I'd drop it on the shoes. Because I have just a slight shoe addiction.
DeleteBut I agree, the Louis is more likely to hold its value. Because of the whole, shoes touching the ground thing.
I'd choose the LV bag, game day tickets, MLB and throwing out the first pitch!
ReplyDeleteFan Friday is my favorite!!!! :) Yes totally agree with all of your pics! The speedy is a must have, seriously the best bag ever! And the experience of games is way better than rocking a jersey! You can look just as cute in a team t-shirt!
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya on the LV bag. I had been talking about an LV bag forever last year. I kept hinting around about it and showing my husband pictures of it (like he really wanted to see pictures of purse). He surprised me out of the middle of nowhere one day and told me to go ahead and order it, along with the matching wallet. We are both school teachers, so this was more than we ever spend on anything (even vacations). I felt guilty about spending that much on myself, but I will say that I really love that bag, and I guard it like it's a child. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of your choices!! I'm all about an experience, that you can take pictures of, and have stories from, they're the best!! Basketball is probably a little more exciting than baseball (all depending), but my dad introduced me to baseball and I went with him to the games when I was younger when Arizona got our MLB team, so baseball has a little soft spot in my heart =) ...btw, I was having major writers block last night and couldn't come up with any sports inspiration for Fan Friday. I'm so lame =(
ReplyDeletefor me the bag is a MUCH better ROI.... you'll have it for years and it wont wear as fast as the heels. i also dont wear heels so it's an easy pick for me. i wanted that bag for months and my husband suprised me with a trip to the store to get it -- read the blog post here :)
ReplyDeletefirst i just freaked out about the song!!!! I am putting it on my weekend playlist this week all thanks to you!!
ReplyDeleteand i am with you on not getting the jersey and getting the tickets. But we BOTH know how we feel about tickets!
i'm not a sports person at all (as you know) but i do ocassionally enjoy a baseball game. i'm mainly interested in the nachos and beer, but still sounds as a sporting event!
ReplyDelete-- jackie @ jade and oak
I would totally go with the Louis because I am not one to change out my junk drawer, I mean my purse and would get a ton of use out of it, whereas I would probably fall on my face in those heels and swear never to wear them again. Definitely agree on throwing the first pitch (ever since the Bulls three-peated in the early 90's I don't care much about the NBA, sorry). Definitely tickets...the experience far outweighs the jersey.
Go with the bag! It'll probably be used more often and you can get great black pumps for A LOT cheaper lol
ReplyDeleteyou're totally right - I usually skip Fan Friday but that purse got me - go for it!!
ReplyDeleteHandbags are almost always a better investment than shoes. They just stand the test of time better
ReplyDeletexo, Nina
I love Fan Friday, never stop! With you on the MLB experience, and most everything on this post!
ReplyDeletei will never stop loving all the sports.... also, this is probably not backed by popular demand, but I would pick MLS over MLB any day. I know that wasn't an option, but I made my own
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with all of your picks today...and I also love Fan Friday. I'm a new follower, so I've only been around for a few Fan Fridays, but I'm loving them!
ReplyDeleteI 1000000% agree on the bag. My mom has a vintage Louie, gosh it's gotta be 30 years old? PLUS - you can walk into the grocery store in sweatpants with a Louie. If you walked into the grocery store in sweatpants and Loubs, that'd be one sight to see lol. I really love your way of thinking with the half court shot vs first pitch .... but damn would I love to have the chance to score $500,000 lol..
ReplyDeleteI been wanting a LV bag for a long time. So that is my choice.
ReplyDeleteI'd totally pick the half court shot because I'd be bound to do something ridiculously dumb and it go viral, so maybe I could still score some cash & fame that way.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your Friday sports posts! But you know I love me some football any day!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on all your ROI choices. I think I gave up my dreams to own a LV or Loubi shoes long ago. I will spend $200 - $400 on a purse....but I cant spend a mortgage payment on one. I just cant.
ReplyDeleteI agree on all of your picks... I have a knock off jersey that works just fine, and I would definitely rather go to games in person! And I'd love to throw the first pitch one day! That would be so dang awesome
ReplyDeleteYay baseball!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with all of these.
Yes! I agree on all points - and I was all ready to argue for MLB in case you went NBA (but if there is good weather, nothing is better than being outside watching baseball - although in TX, I did appreciate the cool air-conditioning of Minute Maid). And although I have had a few cool experiences with the NFL (going to Monday Night Football, playoffs), baseball always wins: The super fancy seats at the Giant's park in SF have a concessions area under the stands, which extends all the way to the part of the hallway that connect the lockers with the dugout. It is an excellent place to stand (esp. for less popular visiting teams) and ask for autographs and pictures. Best moment: a hug from closer Jose Valverde (when he was an astros)!
ReplyDeleteOk, this is too much fun - I have officially been converted to posting about my sports obsession and joining the link-up!
Totally with you on all your picks, I have to say there isn't much that compares to a nice summer baseball game. It's the only sport that is actually relaxing to watch (unless it's playoffs). And like everyone above, I have been dying for a LV forever... one dayy it will be mine! And I'm so not graceful my Louboutins would be trashed so fast.
ReplyDeleteI agree on all your pics especially the Louis and the NFL tickets! Throwing out the first pitch would be such a great experience!
ReplyDeleteI love what you said about a blogger not stopping what they are passionate about just because it isn't driving views. If you blog just FOR views then what are you even doing with your life? A blog should be all about sharing real self, which means your passions so heck yes to all of what you said. Also, I'm with you on all the points, except for the FIRST selection....I'm a shoe lady and YES to anything Louboutin, seriously.
ReplyDeleteI'm a shoe girl. Those classic black Loubs will go with anything and never go out of style. They are a big fat yes for me!! I agree with the NFL tickets. Going to a game is FAR better then owning a jersey, name/number T's here I come! Now as for anything NBA vs MLB, MLB ALWAYS wins in my book. I enjoyed bb in high school but that's about it. Throwing a first pitch would be a dream come true. Especially if I get a picture with my dreamy Lucroy. ;)
ReplyDeleteI say purse b/c I can't rock heels. Plus I have more purses than I know what to do with. Every girl needs a classic purse. Anything is better than the NBA .
ReplyDeleteSad face about less traffic on Fridays. Even though I read every one of your posts, Fridays are my favorite and look forward to because of sports…obviously.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the faceoffs, I pick the purse. Last longer and retains its value more than a pair of shoes that would surely kill your feet and get scuffed. Game day tickets because being there in a tee is much more fun than watching on tv with an authentic $200 jersey. MLB. Duh. Let’s ignore the fact that you said NFL is the best of all 3. That of course carries over to throwing the first pitch. I suck at basketball, so if I can barely make one from the key…there’s no hope of me making one from half court. Getting to be on the field, meeting the catcher plus some other players…that wins.
I totally agree with the Louis pick! It's the best bag ever! Those Louboutins will have to wait :(!
The Louis is most likely a better investment than the Louboutins. BUT I have never been a handbag person, and personally, I think designer handbags are ugly. I would definitely go for the shoes. Then again, I've kind of added getting a pair of Louboutin's to my bucket list.
ReplyDeleteI agree with every single one! But then again, I'm a Dallas girl... so it doesn't surprise me that we agree! The only one you had me worried on was NBA vs MLB... I love Ranger games because they are just chill... I always feel I have to get dressed up to go to the AAC. Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteThe bag for SURE! I love the shoes but like you said... blisters 'n' shit!
ReplyDeleteI can't rule on the fashion, but for the rest I'd go with: tickets over the jersey, MLB over NBA (basically every sport beats basketball for me), and throwing out the first pitch over half court shot.
ReplyDeleteI'm a handbag girl. NFL tickets, please! MLB for the win! I would pitch not shoot!
ReplyDeleteI agree on everything except the shoes. I absolutely hate LV anything.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree on all of the above. Especially tickets over jersey. I'd much rather see my boys in person than rock a jersey.. I'll stick with my t-shirts & hoodies.
ReplyDeleteJamie @
The Growing Up Diaries
NFL Tickets all day long. MLB games, especially if they have fireworks at the end. Who doesn't love fireworks? And half court shot vs. pitching...neither. I would utterly embarrass myself. Then I would make national news for it and it would be terrible. I'd have to the leave the US. haha
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of your picks.. The bag because I suck in heels. Although- if I could walk in heels and loved them then maybe the black pumps because they go with everything. Oh wait! 800 buckskins.. right.. Nope, the bag! For sure.
ReplyDeleteThe MLB tickets-hands down. I've never watched basketball in my life. Oh - the game.. I would go to a game and not buy the jersey because let's face it- I have all the jerseys to all of the teams i like already! Boom- bet ya didn't see that one coming.... ;)
Oh and the first pitch would be a dream of mine. How incredible would that be!?! I mean the 500000 would be amazing but if I missed I don't think my husband would ever speak to me again. Too much pressure.. The baseball experience all the way.
I like sports.. for the most part. But- Sarah! I'm Canadian, I like my hockey like you like your football. (Well probably less than you like your football. You really, really like your football!!)
This is such a fun game!! I'd pick the shoes, but everything else - I'm right there with ya!
ReplyDeleteThe speedy is the best choice. A classic handbag that stems across generations! Everything else I am on board with - baseball season seems like its so close, but so far away!
ReplyDeleteGirl forget Louis and Loubie (although if someone is handing them out send them my way!) Get yourself a Prada bag, or Gucci. Hands down a purse is always a better ROI, but set yourself apart from the crowd girl! any day because even though the sport on TV kills me, actually being at a game is a super fun experience.
ReplyDeleteAgree with all of your picks. Although I would love some red bottoms I think purses have a better rate of return in general. Game day tickets over jerseys any day. I love the game environment besides Id rather wear a cute shirt than an actual jersey :)
ReplyDeleteI hate LV bags. THE SHOES!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely going to have to go with the Louboutins, I've been lusting after a pair of these for years now. Alas, this girl can't drop that much money on a pair of shoes no matter how bad I want them. I'll have to agree with all of your other choices though!
ReplyDeleteI'd buy the bag, the tickets, and go to a baseball game. As for the rest, good for you for sticking to why you write! Personally, it's the sports "tutorials" that bring me here more than anything else. I grew up in a family that was big into both sports and fashion, and I get the biggest kick reading analogies from a girl who clearly understands both! You are awesome - keep it up!
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteI loved what you said about writing about sports! I have been away from blogging in the last month or so, and haven't been reading or writing at all, but I totally feel inspired to get into sports because of you. I don't have any time because of grad school, but when I do, I'm going to go back and re-read all your tips about joining a fantasy league after I graduate (so next season.. ha). Also, I love it that you actually go to games. I will literally go to almost any live sport because I think that is what is most fun about following sports. Anyway, have a great weekend! ;)
I would take the shoes. Here's why: I used to own a Speedy 25, and while I loved it, it made me really uncomfortable. I noticed people staring at my bag A LOT. And you'd be shocked what people would say: "oh is that real?" and give me a side eye. When I'd respond, "Oh, that's SO expensive" or my favorite "Are you sure?!" It was just really really awkward.
jenn @ hello, rigby!
I'm glad you went MLB for the win. I'm a die-hard baseball fan and my loyalty is with the Cardinals (I say as I'm staring at that awful Cubs icon to my right :p ). You're right, it's just something about the games. I love it. My husband included their stadium in our engagement (scavenger hunt), we took engagement picture there as well as wedding day pictures and made certain our first married date was to a Cardinals game. Oh, and our wedding gift to each other were puppies and we named one after our favorite player, Yadier Molina.
ReplyDeleteI love your Friday posts so I'm glad you don't care that traffic is a little lower on those days. I love those posts!!!! Sports are the shiznit and I wish more girls appreciated them!!!!
I love these options and agree with all of your answers!
ReplyDeletexx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
I agree with the Louis for sure. I go back and forth on the tickets/jersey since I would wear the jersey all the time. I guess if they seats were killer, I would go for the tix. As far as NBA/MLB...I'm honestly not a huge fan of either. Going to those games are fun, if the tix are free/cheap. Otherwise, I will take college basketball ALLLL day long!
I need the speedy! Great investment! =] xx.
Guys if you are looking for any kind of sports check this out i hope you like that..MLB Tickets
ReplyDeleteThanks for share that...