Which has the better ROI? | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

17 January 2014

Which has the better ROI?

Return on Investment, or R.O.I. is the name of the game today. And to be non-sports friendly I've even kicked it off with a fashion choice! You're welcome people who avoid my blog on Fridays!

Which actually leads me to a side note. My blog traffic is always lower on Fridays. Not a lot lower, no, but Friday will never be my big traffic day. I think people know I write about sports, so they skip over my little link that day! Even so, I will continue to try and convince all my girlfriends how amazing sports are until I'm old and wobbly, but alas sports posts aren't for everyone, and that is totally ok! But what is not ok is for a blogger to quit something they are passionate about just because other people don't share that passion. I started this blog to convince every single girl on the face of this earth that sports are the greatest thing in all the land, and I'll never quit that! 

So that was my little PSA for the day, back to ROI and Fan Friday.... 

Better ROI Louis Vuitton Speedy or Christian Louboutin Shoes $800?

Drop in the bucket for an Upper East Sider... Mortgage payment for an Upper North Dallasite... If you were going to drop $800 on designer duds, what gets the better ROI in your opinion?

My vote is the Louis over the Loubi. Although the Louboutin is the "it" shoe and this classic black pump is uber fabulous, the Louis Speedy will never go out of style and goes with EVERY outfit and occasion. This arm candy is beautiful, well crafted, a statement piece... not to mention it never gives you blisters.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Loubi's fabulocity would be brought down a notch If I rocked them at the mall standing next to Bubba and his girlfriend Rhonda rocking matching Tweety Bird t-shirts in line at JCPenny...

Better ROI: NFL Tickets or NFL Jersey?

Both will set you back around $125. Would you rather have an in-person experience with pictures that last a lifetime or look fly in a jersey at your local sports bar with the game on the big screen? Well, if you've seen any of my pictures on instagram this season, you'll see me rocking T-shirts, not jerseys, at 3 cowboys games this season. I'll choose tickets all day long.

Better ROI: NBA or MLB

Let's agree to disagree that an NFL experience not only is better than baseball and basketball but it also costs 4x as much. So with NBA and MLB tickets averaging the same amount per ticket, which is the better ROI? Growing up a hard core basketball fan, I'm inclined to pick the NBA, but there is just something so special about baseball games. The big beers, the foam fingers, the baseball hats and cracker jacks, the call of the spring weather... I gotta go with MLB for the win on this one!

Better ROI: Getting the chance to shoot half court shot for 500,000 or throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game?

So technically both of these are free and priceless. But which would you rather do? Winning $500,000 would be totally, absolutely incredible. But I've practiced that half court shot about 500,000 times, and have made it maybe 1% of the time. I don't like them odds.

On the other hand, when you throw out the first pitch, you always get a picture with the catcher, the team's autographs, you get to be on the field and meet the players, it is a once in a lifetime experience! Put me in coach, I'm ready to play today, look at me I can be center fie---- I mean---- pitcher. Baseball wins here for me!

What do you think, do you agree with my picks?

Linking up with Whitney
Good Time (Firebeatz Remix) by Alex Kenji & Ron Carroll on Grooveshark  I had to go with this song today because I was pretty darn proud of myself for finding a song Helene liked this week, and hadn't heard yet! I gave new music to the music master, go me! :)
Venus Trapped in Mars

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