My Mom's Wedding Story + Love in the New Year | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

15 January 2014

My Mom's Wedding Story + Love in the New Year

I feel like everyone knows someone who successfully started a relationship on Guess who I know that started a relationship on Match? My Mom! Not only did she start a relationship, but she married the guy too! On Valentine's Day back in 2009 my Mom, Ann, married Bobby who she met on Match. Cool, huh? 

Back in 09, V-day fell on a Saturday. I think all the men at the wedding were relieved they had built-in Valentine's Day plans to take their wives to! We all put on our finest black tie and had ourselves a grand ole party to celebrate the union of my Mom and her new husband! I adore him and they really make a great team. And to think, it all began on

And of course, duh, yes, I was the Maid of Honor!

I like to consider my Mom and Bobby to be the pioneers of Match relationships since they are going on 5 years of marriage now! 

Love is out there, all you have to do is open your laptop! Whether you are 25 or 55, starting over from a breakup, or finally ready to pursue true love for the first time, I promise, Match is the right choice for you.'s peak season, the site's busiest time of year, kicked off New Year's Day and spans all the way through Valentine's Day (also known as the Caudle's anniversary in our family!), where Match will see a 25-30% increase in registrations to the site.

Why the rush to log in online in the new year? In a recent poll, found that 51% of singles' New Year's resolutions will be to socialize more and focus on finding that special someone, making the desire to connect with someone a driving force for singles' to get online after the holidays.

To get you online during prime time, is offering a 3-days free "date pass" for singles! Simply log onto to claim your 3-days free offer.

Who knows, you could get lucky in love like my mom and Bobby, or like this couple— have you seen their proposal?

So what is your story? Have you found love online? Or has your best friend found love? Or maybe even your Mom! I'd love to know! And if you think now is your time for love, click here to get your 3-Day date pass! 

Love is the thing you know!

This is a sponsored post for, but all opinions are my own, and my Mom's of course.
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