This morning I was so rudely awoken by an alarm clock that was not supposed to be going off. I mean, it was Saturday after all. Why was my alarm going off? Rude ticket, alarm clock, sir. Then about 5 seconds later, I remembered it was Tuesday and slowly began to regain control of my basic motor functions.
I know what left me so confused when I woke up this morning. I had a dream last night that totally sparked an onset of questions in my mind. One of those dreams where you continue to think about what it meant for hours on into your day.
I dreamt that I was just chatting with a friend as two tall modelesque girls walked by. I was talking quite passionately about Zoey Deschanel and the show The New Girl.
Now, the funny thing about dreams is that you are usually left with a good enough chunk of memory to retell the dream, but not enough to have an explanation for the dream. I've seen a handful of episodes of The New Girl, and while yes I did enjoy it and crushed hard on Nick from the show, I'm really not a very passionate fan, or at least not as passionate as I was in the dream.
Anyway, so these girls walk by and stop dead in their tracks to listen to me gush about The New Girl; what I would change about the show, what I love about the show, facts about the characters... yada yada yada.
As it turns out, they are the producers of the show (in my dream of course, I have no idea who the producers are in real life) and they are so impressed with my knowledge and passion they offer me the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER position for The New Girl, right there on the spot. I would get to meet my girl Zoey, fall in love with Nick from the show... I was being offered my dream job of all dream jobs (pun intended I guess).
Now, Executive Producer for The New Girl in real life is not my dream job. But in my dream, it was my dream (job).
The girls then told me that the position would pay $20,000.
At this point, my dream is channeling awake life as I'm employed with my same real life company and I make much more than $20,000. I tell the girls to take their job and shove it. I am worth much more and that is a ridiculous salary that I will not accept. It would be difficult to even live off $20,000, especially in LA where I'm sure the show is filmed. I got a bit diva on them, the same way I did with the scalper man this weekend.
I had just turned down my dream's dream job. Because of money.
So I've been thinking all morning about this dream of mine. Literally and figuratively. What if you were presented with a dream job, one that wouldn't feel like work at all. Your life would feel like a party every single day because it was THAT FUN to go to work each morning. But there is a catch: you could make way more money doing something else, something that doesn't feel like a party every single day.
What do you do?

Hmmmm I'm currently working in a position that I could care less about but it's paying for me to get my master's degree (in a field I'm passionate about) for free. I took a salary cut for the job but in my mind, going to grad school and not having student loans is totally worth the pay cut and working in a regular admin position. I think the key is to find the middle ground between making enough money and doing something you love. You can't have it all but you can get pretty darn close.
ReplyDeleteThat's a very tough question. And one that I'm dealing with in a way. While I'm not currently working my dream job, I do really enjoy it. I get to work from home (in my pajamas) and I have a giant gap in the middle of my day to do things (or nap .. same thing really). But I'm not making as much money as I could elsewhere. So do I go for the riches or stay where I'm content? That is the question.
ReplyDeleteI suppose if it was my ultimate dream job, I would definitely stay (or take it)! For me, being happy with what I'm doing is more important than money. I don't really need expensive things, so as long as I can survive on my income I would be content. :)
I read somewhere (don't remember where) that people should stop saying "do what you love and love what you do" or some variable of that because it devalues real work. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Even if you find and get your dream job there will still be aspects of it that are work so it only makes sense that you should get paid what you can at least live off of. Everyone values different things in that way too. My parents would rather have a job they simply like that pays the big bucks but others would rather have a job they love even if it only pays enough to get by. You have to find what works for you.
ReplyDeleteIt depends on the amount of money. If I couldn't pay my bills, sadly, I would have to turn it down. but if there was a way for me to pay my bills even if I have to have a tight budget, then I would probably consider it. I have always said I'd take less pay to be happy.
ReplyDeleteI had to choose b/t two jobs when I was looking in Sept. The first was literally my dream job. Actually it was EVERYONE's dream job... everyone who went to UK, loved UK sports, and was in Marketing. It was THAT job. The job that just saying it made people's (in this town) mouths drop open.
ReplyDeleteBut the salary was nothing. It would have been a lateral move financially. And working some nights and weekends (but I would be at the games!).
I was seriously torn. It was b/t that and the job I have now.. that doesn't SOUND sexy by any means but was offering me $20k more with amazing perks.
It was so hard choosing between what I thought I always wanted and what was, realistically, a better job and choice for me. I'm SO glad I went with the job I have now. Love the work, the people, and the salary!
The other job SOUNDED amazing and would have made every person I know jealous. But really, I would have been worked to the bone, paid nothing, and probably would've ended up hating UK basketball when I really love it.
WOW that was long. I guess my point is... always keep in mind if the job really is your dream job... or just SOUNDS like it because it's "sexy." That was a hard pill for me to swallow but ended up being such an important lesson!!
I also really struggle with this. I'm in a job that on paper was my dream job. I'm happy in the position but still find myself wondering if there's something I could be doing that I would enjoy more. But, maybe that's just a "the grass is greener" kind of thing. It's definitely food for thought! :)
Partayyy all day at my dream job, because I've never known anything other than broke and fun! I mean why change now!? LOL
ReplyDeleteI'd take the dream job. I've seen how money has destroyed my bosses marriage, children, friendships, family relationships, and ability to function. Money does not ever equal happiness, and going to a job you hate sure makes your life way less fun than it should be.
ReplyDeleteOh you are really making us think this morning :-) I love my job and most days it doesn't feel like a "job" but if I hated my job no amount of money would make it worth's kinda a wuss out answer but I guess I would take happiness over money and hating life?
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing: I'm in that job right now. I make my own hours, own my own company, work from home and get to spend my days in Hawaii. I left a high paying, high fun job for it---and it was the best decision I've ever made! Money can't buy happiness :)
ReplyDeleteMy dream job is a job that makes me a lot of money. ;)
ReplyDeleteMoney doesn't buy happiness but it can buy security, which is important. There comes a point in time where that is worth more than having a dream job that makes it hard to live life. A pay cut that still lets you live fairly comfortably to work a dream job is one thing but going down to minimum wage and 20 hours per week? Maybe not the best decision!
ReplyDeleteoooohhhh that's a really good question. i think i could quit my job and make $20,000 to do my dream job but i can't. i can't live off of $20,000 so i wont so i guess tha tkind of answers your question! also this is brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI quit my job that payed fairly well and had to give up all of my luxuries in order to do what I really loved. For me I could never put a price on happiness..Yes I miss being able to eat out and shop whenever I felt like it but Im a whole lot happier now than I was then..and I know the money will come..
ReplyDeleteThis is a tough question. I'm not sure what i would do. We all need money but I don't think I would.
ReplyDeleteThat is such a tough question!! Obviously I'd like to say that I wouldn't turn down the dream job just because of money, but the reality is that you need money. And where I live, you need a lot of money. Right now I am currently in a dream industry but not necessarily my dream job position. I think it could turn into something more (and also make me more money) which is ultimately the end goal, so we shall see!!
ReplyDeleteGah! I would take it. But then my husband would find out and oh boy.. that would be it. He works really hard all of the time, to make money. He used to be a roofer and now he's an electrician.. so he does roofing side jobs which make us some pretty fast cash on a weekend. But it's A LOT and I mean A LOT of HARD work. I would never do it. So I always find.. that when it comes to MY job, I have to step it up because he's always working so hard for us. Bah. I would want to take my dream job but.. I probably couldn't because of the whole guilt thing. !!!
ReplyDeleteThis fits in well with my career struggles lately. I have been working in a bank since the spring, before that was the job I took in college and worked there for almost nine years. Neither are my dream job, they were both just convenient.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I even know what my dream job is, I almost feel like it is something that I have to make myself. There are a ton of different little things that I am good at, and that I enjoy that I wish I could mash together into one big job. Something that pays enough for me to live off of. It doesn't have to make me millions, just enough to take care of my family!
I would like to say that I would never leave the job I have now (school social worker), but as I have much grad school debt and as a social worker make nada, some days it does get really frustrating. I do love what I do and the people I work with, but I work based on a negotiated contract--- so I never ever get merit based anything. That can be really hard... But, I went into this knowing that, so I would stay because I do love what I do and the kids I work with.
ReplyDeleteoh man, i feel like this is one of the hardest questions to answer, because yes you want to be happy doing what you love, but at the same time, you can't be happy when you can't afford to live off of your dream job
ReplyDeleteI have been having a lot of problems figuring out what my dream job is!
ReplyDeleteI know I want to work from home, but I don't want to do medical billing/coding.
I just don't know my options and I don't even know where to look.
I would love to start school to get the ball rolling, but I don't even know what to major in!
I am already doing that something else, and living on about $20,000, so I guess that answers that question. Really tho, I make way more than that, I'm just trying to pinch pennies so that I will be able to do that whole dream thing (hopefully in the next 5-10 years) and not end up homeless.
ReplyDeleteI was actually thinking this same question earlier today. I get paid well at my current job but it doesn't challenge me at all. I would love to work in a bakery and possibly open my own but i know it would be such a decrease it pay and Momma's got a house to support. It makes it really tough when adult things get in the way. I wish I had the thought much younger when I didn't have as many bills.
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of people are going to say 'money isn't everything', and they're right it isn't. But it sure is important. I think our generation somehow got this idea in our heads that we are supposed to LOOOOVE our jobs and be so 'fulfilled'. Like if one more person tells me their job isn't fulfilling I might hurl. Should you be miserable? No. Do you need to make money to live? Yes. I'm pretty sure our parents and grandparents weren't always fulfilled so you gotta do what you gotta do. The best thing is to find a balance. I like what I do. It's still work, and it isn't always a joy to come here everyday, but for the most part I like it. That works for me.
ReplyDeleteI recently went back to school and while I don't have to decide right away, I'm torn between a degree in business administration with a minor in accounting (what I'm good at) and criminal justice (what I'm actually interested in). I've been at my company for four years and I feel if/when I finish with the business degree, I'll be in the perfect position to move on up... but if I go with criminal justice, I will be starting completely over in a different field which scares the shit out of me. Good thing I have time to decide!
ReplyDeleteTake the dream job and run! Better to be happy with yourself and life than to let money define your happiness.
ReplyDeleteI'm with several of the ladies above who said their dream job is one that makes a lot of money! Not to sound shallow, but one of the most satisfying things about working (for me personally) is the paycheck every two weeks, and being rewarded with a bigger one when I do my job well. Finding a good balance between decent pay and I job I like most of the time would be ideal!
ReplyDeleteAhh a question I constantly ask myself. Unfortunately, no matter how much you can say money doesn't buy happiness....we are all adults and have bills to pay and responsibilities. I would love to LOVE my job and do something that I really want to do (own my own store) but I think I have sold out to pay the bills. Who has money sitting around to start their own store or business? No these days my friend :(
ReplyDeleteMost commenters are saying that it's important to have a job that you like but that they'd chose money. Since I'm an actor, and in a relationship with an actor I say a job that you love. Yes we could both be doing something that'd make us beaucoup bucks. But we can act whist affording to live in London (which is 10 x more expensive than NYC) so I'm going go out on a limb and say that actually as long as you're willing to live frugally then you can have your dream job. x
ReplyDeletePICK THE DREAM JOB!! I worked at a law firm (patent and boring) and made good money but I hated what I did. I went back to school for another year and half to be teacher. I LOVE going to work everyday and I make much less than I use to but its totally worth being in a good mood and not dreading waking up every morning!
ReplyDeleteI've been writing a real life post about this here and there for a while. More of a draft journal/thoughts than an actual post. For the first 1.5 years after graduation I had a job making much more than I expected as a new grad, but HATED the job. Literally would dread going to work everyday, cry to my mom, and even leave things in my office so I wouldn't leave at lunch and never come back. It was awful. I was so miserable. But I felt lucky to even have a job (there's also a little more to why I was there so long, but I won't get into that).... I recently made the decision that I had to follow my dream to work in sports. I'm making much less than I was making, but I know that I'm on the path to following my dreams. I'm so much happier and excited about work. Money can't buy happiness and being miserable everyday wasn't worth the money to me.
ReplyDeleteI think it depends on how miserable your high paying job is and if you're being paid enough to have enough fun when you're not working that it outweighs the misery of work. We all want our super fun dream job, but if you don't make enough to pay your bills I think it stops being your dream job. For me I think the perfect combination would be doing something I enjoy while making a bit more than enough to just get by.
ReplyDeleteI'd really have to look at all of the aspects. But considering I'm getting married & therefore have a second income to also cover the bills, I'd most likely jump at the dream job. I don't need insane amounts of money to make me happy, just enough to be comfortable.
ReplyDeleteI just lost my train of thought because I was busy staring at the picture of Witten on your sidebar. Now I'm drooling and don't remember what I was talking about. Have a nice day.
This is hilarious!! I love The New Girl (and definitely crush on Nick), so Executive Producer of the show, for me, would actually be a pretty fantastic job. But $20,000?! Heeellllll no. Hahaha I live in LA and I can tell you personally that there's NO way to survive here on that kind of salary. That might just be my pretentious side coming out, though. Haha!!
ReplyDeletexo Denise
That is some dream there lol I would do the job I love. I'm seriously going through that decision right now. I make more money and have the opportunity to make even more money at my current job, but it's not my dream job. I, however, just came to the realization what my dream job is and that requires me to go back to school and never be able to make as money as this current job could. My family of course supports whatever I decide to do, but they keep bringing up the money thing and I keep telling them money doesn't matter if I'm not doing something I love. Tough choices!
ReplyDeleteAh this question is currently the star of my current life. I've never made the big buck in any job I've ever held. Early on in my career I learned, after some high hospital bills due to stress related stomach issues, that you should only stick in a job if you really love it. Hence why I haven't since made the big bucks. Currently, my husband is in law school, he's working, but it pays nothing, so I'm the bread winner. Yes, we're broke. Yes we are happy. Life is constantly changing as do dreams. My dream job is being a mom and a write for fun writer. In time, that will come true (at least part of it). If you look hard enough, there is always a way to find love in the things that you do. Ok, sorry for writing you a novel!
ReplyDeleteI am about to make a transition into making much less money to pursue my passion. I've already begun working in major financial cutbacks/creating savings plans, etc because I am thrilled.
ReplyDeleteI know that I have quite a few possessions and I'm used to a mid-upper middle class lifestyle of "comfort" but I have absolutely no issue dropping it to be happy. I've been working over 12 hours everyday and on weekends doing something I dislike for 3 years now, and I know that the money is not worth it. I would live in my car if it meant I could be happy with my job. (And this is not to sound all noble or high-and-mighty. I've just really disliked my job and am looking forward to daily happiness just that much)
I'd stick to something that I'd enjoy. If I were miserable going to work every day, it would get depressing and I wouldn't want to spend the extra money anyway, because I'd be so depressed. New Girl cracks me up, by the way.
ReplyDeleteThis is rough. I would love to say that I'd take it because I want to be livin' the dream each and every day. But I just can't fathom being happy if I'm just scraping by, praying for groceries. Do I have extra time for a side job? Will they off set certain living costs? Dream life probably wouldn't involve these questions (haha), but in real life I'd probably take a serious pay cut if I could be happy and relatively comfortable each day.
ReplyDeleteah that is a tough question. i think i would take the dream job....but mostly because my husband can contribute financially to our house/living costs.
ReplyDeleteThat is such a tough question! One that I will without a doubt be contemplating for the next month or so now...hmm, I definitely value time over money...would the job require me to like never have sick days or vacation days? It is my DREAM job, so it would because my ideal job would...oh my gosh, this is too complex.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, the money would win... to an EXTENT. I've actually taken pay CUTS because a job was so horrible before. At the same time, if a job sucked but they paid me 100K and I loved a job that only paid $15K... you bet your ass I'm gonna take that $100K.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually miserable in my current job AND I make less than a starting teacher's salary--so would I take a dream job that will pay even less? Heck no. I'm an adult, and sometimes, we have to face our fears and do what we need to do to pay the bills, get the health insurance, and save for retirement. However, I still believe that you need to be happy with your job, but I also try not to let my total happiness be defined by my career. I think the phrase "money can't buy happiness" is THE WORST, because it sure helps to have a decent enough salary to pay the bills and not be freaking out over money all the time. And if someone approached me with my "dream job," I don't know...sometimes what looks like a dream job on paper turns out to make you totally miserable (hence my current situation).
ReplyDeleteOh to be torn with this kind of question..and on a Tuesday! Haha...I would rather have the job I love...yes, money helps and most cases its a "do what you gotta do" to feed yourself, but if it were possible, I'd take the less money for the dream job :)
ReplyDeleteGetting paid to love what you do would MAJORLY be worth it, even for half the money. You can't put a price on an extra 40+ hours of happiness/week.
ReplyDeleteThis is my life. I only make slightly more than $20,000 a year, and I work 50-60 hours a week. I could be working a different job and making more, but I would not have as flexible a schedule or the opportunity to make my own decisions about how I feel my project should proceed. I don't know if I could do it for the rest of my life, but I am very happy now. I also know that a few years down the line I will make slightly more than I do now which may be part of why I am okay with being in this financial situation.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I think that you did the right thing. Although you have the dream job, there comes a certain point where you have to choose whether or not its something that you can live off of. Eventually everything will fall into place!
I would choose the dream job! And find a way to earn additional income on the side to make up for the loss of mula. Ha! ;)
ReplyDeleteI would love to choose my dream job, BUT I really like money and being able to spend it on my off time. I love my job now, it's not my dream job but I am happy there, and I make good money.
ReplyDeleteThough I would love to design clothes and be in the world of fashion, I don't know if I could be broker because of it.
is that horrible?
It all depends on where I'm at in life and how much of a cut in pay it is. Right now, I'm probably going for more money.
ReplyDeleteThis is a cop out answer, but I'd work the moneymaking job and do my passion as a hobby/side job thing until I'm financially sufficient to focus on the passion only. Getting to do what you love every single day sounds like a dream and I'd love nothing more than to have that, but struggling to make ends meet and not being able to treat your loved ones to nice surprises every now and then also sounds like a nightmare!
ReplyDeleteI wrote a very similar post about all of this a few months ago. I consider myself to be in my "dream job" right now (teaching) and coincidentally make very little money doing it. However, even though it is a dream job come true there are still more days than not that feel like work and as much as I do love it - I don't skip into work every Monday morning. I think "dream jobs" are a tricky thing and the money factor just complicates it more.
ReplyDeletevery good article, truly food for thought. I think about this everyday. Im a huge promoter of doing what you love for a living. If its something you truly love to do the money will come your way eventually. I'd take a piece of mind and happiness over dreading my day job every morning any day. Sadly money is a big issue in todays society in order for us to well survive. im interested to see what everyone else thinks
ReplyDeleteFirst, I love that show so that might be a dream job for me too. Second, sometimes I feel like you have to suck it up and do what you need to do to do what you love to do. Unfortunately for most people (in this economy) that's the truth. For myself included. I'd love to blog all day and teach irish dance all night, alas the bills need to be paid.
ReplyDeletexo, Nina
Take the job... I really think there's so much more to life than money!
ReplyDeleteI say you take a job that lets you live the life you want and build up your own dream job (with you as the head honcho) and then transition when you can make just as much or more money! :0
ReplyDeleteI've actually lived this. After college, I was offered a salary job doing something I knew I would hate. I took it, and I cried every day because I hated it so much. I lasted 3 months and ended up moving back home and taking an hourly job doing something that I could've done without my degree, but I was much happier. After 7 months, I got a promotion, and even though I'm still hourly and make less than I did at my other job, I'm still so so happy, and I wouldn't trade that happiness for the money at all.
ReplyDeleteI am literally at this cross roads in my life right now. I don't enjoy going to work every day, but the money and benefits are making me feel stuck. I would love to pursue my dreams/passion, but by the time I get home from work I'm so tired, stressed, and depressed that I don't have the energy to do it (I know a lot of excuses). With all of that I think if I was offered my dream job and was being paid anything to do it right now I would jump on it in a heartbeat, if you do a good job the salary will increase over time and I can honestly say that being happy everyday is worth more than any dollar amount.
ReplyDeleteI am not in love with my job right now and I make pretty good money. I would take a small pay cut to have a job I like more :)
ReplyDeleteFantastic post! Gives something to think about. Just gotta kinda figure out how to make money to lie off what I love haha give it time =D Xx.
I wish I knew what my dream job would be. I literally have no idea. Being an executive producer would be really fun, I think anyways :). xx
ReplyDeletegahh i don't know! this is SO tough. I currently make a (decent) good salary at a job that I HATE. so so much. i am treated like shit and there's really nothing I can do because the money is what pays the bills. if i could have my dream job (which i dont even know what is) and get paid little . ahh! i dont know! i have too much going on that you need the money for!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to say I'd work at a job I love for peanuts but if the money I earned at a job I hate would give me greater stability and freedom and spare cash for adventures...I'd probably plump for that option. Stability is important and bills needs to be paid!
ReplyDelete(This may well change when I actually figure out what my dream job is.)
I'm in a weird spot... What I do is a dream OPPORTUNITY, we'll call it. I have high hopes of moving up here and it becoming the dream job that I love and also pays well. The pay right now is okay, but what I'm doing is just a foot in the door to me for bigger things!
ReplyDeleteOn average for a successful tv show a EP can make over 100k a season, depending on how many episodes are in that season. Each episode has a budget and everyone is paid per episode unless their hourly like a PA boom, etc. 20k yearly salary would be someone on hourly pay. Working in television is amazing pay unless it's independent work like I'm doing and your lucky if you even get a paycheck in the same month you worked. Either way I wouldn't stop doing it, because I love creating things with talented people.
ReplyDeleteLove dreams that really make you think!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what I would do about this question...however...
I suppose in my position, since my yearly salary is $0, my dream job paying $20,000 would be ideal because that's $20,000 more for Doug and I.
I live this scenario every day. I actually think most of us do. I do something that I don't necessarily love but that (will) make me money. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, but if I had a choice, I'd make art for the rest of my days or sing!
ReplyDeleteI have my dream job but not in my dream area and that is because I realized there was more money in the area that wasn't necessarily my dream. And after a year of suckiness I worked up to making more money than I thought I would and finding something I didn't know was my dream until I had it. I can thank my money greedy self for that one!
ReplyDeleteThis is so timely for me right now. A little over a year ago, I left a job that I LOVED to move out of state to meet my husband (I moved after the wedding) so we could finally live in the same state/town/house after two years of dating. My new position pays 13k more than my old one, but it isn't nearly as rewarding as my former position. After a year, even my husband is starting to find frustration at work and we are both wondering what's next for us. It's that "I really want to do something I love, but where and how do we figure out what that is, and for both of us at that" question. Sorry for rambling, but I just wanted to say thanks for reflecting on such a relevant topic. :)