About Face | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

13 November 2013

About Face

I bet you've never been to the KFC museum in Corbin, Ky. (Consider yourself lucky)
I've said this relentless times on the blog, but for anyone who wasn't reading and just looking at the pictures is new, I started Venus Trapped in Mars back in 2010. I wrote sporadically for a few months, then became pretty unmotivated and sick of just writing about sports so I started another blog where I wrote about whatever the heck I wanted to write about. No one was reading it, and I kinda liked that. It was my little sliver of the internet that I could treat as my diary. 

In February, I decided to come back to VTIM with the intention of combining my love for lifestyle and sports blogging. 

It just feels like every post I set out to write has to be so grand. Like each post, everyday, needs to be some labor of love that I spend hours working on. Some clever idea, or creative topic that is original and unique, or else I've failed at blogging for that day.

I envy the bloggers that lead such dramatic lives. Those bloggers that talk about themselves and their daily adventures, or their relationships with friends, boyfriends, husbands, family. Those bloggers that aren't afraid to put everything out there, no matter how controversial, without fear of judgement from their peers. 

I'd love to share more about my world, about me, about the love I've shared, the moves I've made, the decisions I've had to make, the exciting times, or the great, life-changing sorrow I've endured, on more than one occasion. I'd love to share more about me, but that scares me. 

Why is it that we all keep our Facebook profile on lock down, pictures private, status updates limited to friends only. Yet we keep our Twitter accounts unlocked, Instagram profiles open for anyone to follow and so many bloggers are willing to put their whole life, their most intimate details on their blogs for everyone to see.

So here is my question...

Which would you rather read? A blog without a face, so to speak, or a blog all about the face?

Sorry for all the words............ I know everyone hates that.

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