Things no one has ever said about me:
"Man, Sarah sure is hard to shop for."
"I wish Sarah would send us her Christmas List."
"Do you think Sarah would be ok with cash for Christmas?"
I'm notoriously easy to shop for. Place a sweaty wad of cold hard cash in a card and I'll be pleased as punch. But not everyone is as easy as I am. You can't hand your mother a wad of cash for Christmas, that would just be weird. My mom has been known to ask for weird stuff for Christmas, like socks. I'm not getting you socks, that is just absurd. Get your own socks.
That's like opening a present on Christmas morning and out pops a can of shaving cream. Um, I realize I'll eventually need shaving cream, but I could've just purchased this myself.
Things Never to give a woman for Christmas, even if they mention needing it...
A Vacuum
Weight Watchers Cookbook
Aluminum Foil
A Gift You Gave Her Last Year
Play Station 3
Gifts women really love are those that were thoughtful. I wish more men would ask themselves this question, "Is it possible to acquire this gift on December 24th, and have it wrapped and under the tree by December 24th?"
If the answer is yes, give that gift to a dude. If the answer was no, then meet Datevitation. is the web's first online platform to create a custom love coupon book. You pick the dates, add an actual picture of your face and can customize the text to your liking. Their date idea library contains over 500 ideas from skydiving to stargazing. Once you are done customizing the text in your book, Datevitation will print it out and ship it to you. Included with the book is a "surprise" envelope! You don't even need wrapping paper. But just because you don't need wrapping paper, doesn't mean you shouldn't spruce up a gift for the woman who birthed you. Mom's like glitter too. is the web's first online platform to create a custom love coupon book. You pick the dates, add an actual picture of your face and can customize the text to your liking. Their date idea library contains over 500 ideas from skydiving to stargazing. Once you are done customizing the text in your book, Datevitation will print it out and ship it to you. Included with the book is a "surprise" envelope! You don't even need wrapping paper. But just because you don't need wrapping paper, doesn't mean you shouldn't spruce up a gift for the woman who birthed you. Mom's like glitter too.
Although you may have seen Datevitation used on other blogs to make romantic date ideas, I wanted to use it to make a gift for my mom, because I'm not giving this woman socks. She will be visiting me for my birthday in December, so I picked date ideas she can redeem when she visits, like a mani/pedi session! Plus she's always begging me to make her mix tapes (yes, still going to call it that) so I used that as a coupon too!
Oh, and then General and Venus asked if they could make a page in the book for their grand mom. I said yes, and this is what they came up with. Jerks.
Books normally start at just $25 so it makes for a thoughtful yet economical gift. But as a special treat for my followers, you can use the code ‘VENUSMARS10’ for $10 off your purchase plus free shipping (total value of $13.50) That means you can get your loved one a one-of-a-kind gift for Christmas starting at just $15! The order cut-off date for guaranteed delivery by Christmas is December 13 so make sure to get your order in before then!