Someday I will... Start watching a television show that is not called: Family Guy, Sex and the City, Gossip Girl, Saved by the Bell, Real Housewives, Bravo TV Network. I'd rather watch reruns of these than new episodes of anything else.
Someday I will... Not stress about what people think about me. Does she like me? Does she not like me? Is she mad at me? Is she mad that I said that? Should I have said something different? Am I ugly? Do I look fat in this? Is it bad that I'm wearing black tights and a blue dress and tan boots? Sheesh it was exhausting just listening to myself type that. Why do we all care so much?
Someday I will... Not get irrationally, fly-off-the-handle angry at convenience store clerks. *Inserts Card* *Please enter Zip Code* *Please enter pin* *Unable to authorize--- beep beep beep* *Please see clerk* *Goes inside* *Clerk asks, "Did you want to pre-pay? How much would you like to pre pay?* "No I' didn't want to pre-pay, I don't know how much I want to pre-pay!!! I apologize that I have yet to memorize the exact gallon quantity my car will hold!!!!! I just want to put my little card in the slot and have you just take out the correct amount of money for the correct amount of gas it will take to fill my tank!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, someday I won't get that angry.
Someday I will... Enjoy cooki---- HAHAHA no.
Someday I will... Opt to buy 1 investment piece rather than 45 shirts from Forever 21 for the same price.
Someday I will... Stop having such a ridiculous emotional attachment to things like stuffed animals, and birthday cards.
Someday I will... be a sideline reporter.
I'm going to end on that one because it's the one I really want to happen. Now I want you to meet Ashley from Rainstorms and Love Notes (and get to know me a little better too while we're at it!)
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We're both athletic-themed car selfie takers, what more could you want? |

A: James Gandolfini. My husband and I were in the middle of watching our way through the Sopranos series when he died, and we were crushed to learn that he'd passed away.
S: Heath Ledger. I just feel like he really wasn't done making his mark on the world. I still can't believe he is gone!
A: Anything that would hurt my family (also, wear a Ravens jersey in public)
S: Anything that would hurt my family (also, wear a Kentucky jersey in public) Sorry but Ashley's answer was just too perfect.
A: Entertainment Weekly, for writing a world-famous novel that's been adapted into a movie, of course
S: Maxim. That would mean I've suddenly become a super hot bombshell. Also, this magazine is my guilty pleasure. The articles are really very funny.
A: Jigsaw puzzle, all day, every day. I maybe even have a jigsaw puzzle app that I play regularly...
S: Jigsaw. I tried a rubix cube once and it made me feel like a total moron after about 7 seconds.
A: One afternoon during my freshman year, I was speed-walking to get to the bus on time, and I tripped and fell to my knees in the middle of the hallway. I guess my jeans were kind of slippery though, because I went sliding across the hallway, which caused everyone to stop and stare. If my life was accompanied by music, the record definitely would have screeched to a halt at that moment.
S: Similar story. I was playing JV basketball, (and I know what you're thinking, you had to play JV? Yes, I am a good samaritan and paid my dues until it was Varsity time) and my dad was driving me to school for my game. We had to dress up for home games, so I was wearing the only thing I owned that I considered dressy, hooker boots. Why my mother purchased those square, chunky heeled, knee high boots for me I'll never know. Well as I go to jump out of my dad's truck and run inside, I jump and slip like in the cartoons (in my hooker boots) right on a patch of black ice. The boys JV basketball team was all standing outside and saw the whole thing. I cried through the entire game as the vision of me falling in front of the boys basketball team replayed over and over.
A: I'd go with 2012 - I started a new job, got hitched, first discovered Breaking Bad, and I got caught up in the election coverage and the Summer Olympics. It was a good year!
S: Not freshman year during JV basketball, that's for sure. This one is easy, my 21st year. College, sorority life, lived with great friends, had no responsibility.... all the stuff I'm dying to have back in my life again!
A: Don't Lie by Vampire Weekend
S: Levels by Meek Mill
A: Smooth, because no food should ever be referred to as "chunky"
S: ^^^^^ That.
A: Brooke7510 - my middle name, plus the months of my dad's, mom's, and my birthdays. It was 1997, people!
S: Sribby2210 - S for Sarah. Ribby for I have no idea but I'm sure I thought it was clever as hell when I first came up with it 22- for Sheryl Swoopes 10- for Chipper Jones
A: To be honest, I already have the Magic Bullet and the Perfect Tortilla Pans, but I'd love to add the Chillow to my collection.
S: Hah! Magic Bullett makes me giggle every time. Mind is in the gutter. I'll tell ya one I want and one I don't want. Want: Hot Buns Don't Want: Air Curler (just stick a wad of bubblicious in your hair, go stand out in a hurricane, and voila-- meet the Air Curler!)
What do you guys think, isn't Ashley fabulous?? Go tell her hey girl heyyy!
Or tweet her "Hey Girl Heyyy!" if you're really an overachiever!
Oh, and congrats Sox fans :)