National Back To Work Day | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

03 September 2013

National Back To Work Day

Labor-free days are over, my friends. The gridlock was back in full force on interstate 35 this morning and I stepped in General's poop... plus I'm pretty sure I left the laundry in the washing machine a day too long because my cardigan is letting off quite the "I left my laundry in the washing machine a day too long" stench. 

I have about a million emails to catch up on and I'm hoping to spend the week quietly drifting through work, flying under the radar and getting a whole bunch of blog designs done. With that said, here is a quick recap of my weekend in the ever-popular collage form.

1. I went to my very first EDM concert with Helene. It was too much fun. Literally, too much. Had to spend Sunday glued to the couch.
2. Tried this new pizza joint right down the street called Serious Pizza. Good lord, heaven in a box. 
3. My BOYS WON--- and won by a landslide. We will see how they do against actual competition in a couple of weeks. 
4 and 5. General did not move from this spot at all yesterday. This looks horribly uncomfortable but I appreciated the photo opp. 
6. All-star breakfast... Eggs over easy, hashbrowns, toast, waffle, bacon.... more heaven on earth. 

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. See you kids tomorrow.

Linking up with Sami!