When you take a vacation work trip and want to document the city you are visiting, be sure to follow these steps to make an unforgettable excursion that lives in your camera roll forever.
**disclaimer- as this went to press all of these photos were deleted because I need 3gb to download ios7 and there was just no way this crap was going to stay on my iphone.
1. Utilize gates
Gates show that you are somewhere really important and cool. Yeah, you could try and get past the gate but then how would anyone know how important that place is?? Plus, the gate really puts you in the moment. The color of the gate, the height of the gate, the width of the gate links, does the gate have barbed wire on top or not? These are all important details that will flood your mind with images of the incredible work trip you took on that overcast September day in 2013.
2. Stay in the car
I recommend shooting in the moment. Why do you think American's love reality television so much? Is it because of the beautiful camera angles and scenery? No. It is because it's totally real. If you are in the car, shoot right then. Don't waste your time trying to get the perfect shot. There is no perfect shot, only opportunity.
3. Find art in the familiar
People throw paint brush sticks at canvases and sell it for thousands of dollars. Everything is art. You never know what people will find beautiful, you never know what will make you the next Annie Leibovitz. I call this one orange and green fire hydrant ($1100 OBO)
4. Don't shoot in high, direct sun
If I learned anything from my photoshoot back in July, you never shoot during high sun. Hence why I've clearly mastered the trick to beautiful photographs. The overcast sky.
5. The darker the room, the more effective the front camera gets.
Low light? No problem. That front camera on the iPhone has special magical little men running around doing magic and junk to make the front camera the best in low light. See....
6. Keep your viewer guessing, it is fun for them. What are they looking at?
Anyone who knows me, knows I love to play games. Who doesn't? So what is this?
So that was my trip to Louisville for work, documented in pictures. How'd I do?