Have you ever craved something so bad you will stop at nothing until it is in your mouth, dancing around, playing hopscotch with your taste buds? Well that is how I felt on Saturday afternoon. After spending the entire day packing up my apartment for the move next weekend, I was starved.
I decided to lay on the couch and search for Hibachi restaurants in Dallas that served the white sauce, also known as heaven on earth. Why no one in Dallas serves this delicious concoction with their chicken, veggies and rice, I have no idea. So I found a place with a yelp review confirming they had the Yum Yum Sauce. It was 45 miles away. After seriously considering the drive, I realized I was psychotic for thinking about driving 45 miles one way for a sauce.
I found out there is a fast food Hibachi place only about 13 miles down the road, all highway. I figured it would be way cheaper, and since it was fast food hibachi, surely they had the white sauce. So I jumped in my little car, blasted some tunes and cruised on down the road to FireXbox.
I get there and they do not have my white sauce. I immediately get on Pinterest and look for a recipe. This is how badly I'm craving the mayonnaise-based goodness, because, if you recall, I don't cook. Like, at all, ever.
So I take my $3.99 hibachi chicken to-go and head to Tom Thumb for the following ingredients:
1 Teaspoon Tomato Paste
1 Tablespoon Butter
1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/4 teaspoon Paprika
1 1/4 cups Mayonnaise
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 pinch (wtf is a pinch??) Cayenne Pepper
1/4 cup water - already had this ingredient, score!
Did anyone know Paprika is $6.99??? What the heck. I also grabbed some vino while I was there, Wine Not? My grand total for this sauce now rose to somewhere around $30. For sauce. *sigh*
As I bring my groceries to the car, I remember, "You've been packing all day you moron, your measuring cups, measuring spoons, bowls, whisk, can opener... everything is packed up.
So I stop at a Kroger on the way home and buy a can opener for the tomato paste and measuring cups. I figured I would use spoons to measure the tiny portions, a fork instead of the whisk and I remembered I had one bowl in the dishwasher.
So I threw all the crap into the bowl, whisked my heart out with the fork and it was fantastic not bat at all. Look at me, becoming a cook after all. And like the true redneck I am, I slathered alllllll that sauce all over the rice, veggies and chicken because just a sized dollop ramekin is for pussies.
Get outta here with this post and go each your lunch in the bathroom you loser.
In a much cooler realm, thanks to Helene's tutorial on Friday my post was published to Buzzfeed's community section!! Whoo Hoo!!! Go check it out here.
Linking up this waste of space blog post with Sami, sorry Sami.

The Yum Yum sauce is the best part of hibachi...If I could I would probably eat it on everything and with your recipe now I can...Thanks for changing my life :)
ReplyDeleteyum yum sauce is crucial to hibachi, how do they not know this?! ps- now I'm gonna go have hibachi for lunch.
ReplyDeletemmmm yummy!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful apartment!
ReplyDeleteAnd who uses a dollop anyway? I support the slather method.
Hahaha I've heard so much about this damn sauce and I've never tried it - now I'm intrigued. Since, you know, you dedicated an entire post to said sauce.
ReplyDeleteUmm yeah, I wouldn't eat at Hibachi place without it if I had a choice. For some reason our place calls it "seafood sauce". And it comes in spicy! I don't blame you for making your own. I would have too!
ReplyDeleteI agree, and I support the slather method!
Girl the sad part is I miiighht would have driven the 45 miles. I love me some yum yum sauce. I even get sime for my sushi.
ReplyDeleteSarah, this must taste heaven! Struggle for a sauce, I cant believe it!
ReplyDeleteyum yum sauce is the BEST thing ever! I would have tossed every ounce of pride I had aside and made the 45 min drive so good for you for making your own! I am going to have to try it!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new place!
ReplyDeletestill so excited for the buzzfeed thing!! you're kind of a big deal, but I already knew that.
ReplyDeleteI was honestly terrified to read the ingredients of that sauce just now. I mean, actually terrified.
ReplyDeleteShew, not nearly as bad as I imagined. Therefor, this post was not a waste... because now I feel justified to smother my sirloin in even more white sauce the next time I'm at hibachi. Which will now be soon because thanks to YOU I've got myself a craving going on.
It is beautiful, congratulations!
Sparkles and Shoes
My grocery store sells the sauce in the asian aisle. Check out yours and see. It might get used all in one sitting between Joe and I but worth it. I swear, it could make dog poop taste amazing.
ReplyDeleteNew apartment=sooooo pretty. Also...I've done basically this entire post before. No shame.
ReplyDeleteI know nothing of this white sauce you speak of. Which means I must seek it out. ALSO your apartment looks awesome and I am super jealous!
ReplyDeleteI don't know of this yum yum sauce. Or of paprika that costs $6.99. I usually pay $1.
ReplyDeleteLove your new place, especially the floors!
I have been craving hibachi for over a week and this just made it SO much worse! Ah! I can't find a single hole in the wall place (the best kind, of course) anywhere around here!
ReplyDeletenow i want the special white sauce....not THAT kind, sicko ;)
ReplyDeleteThe new apartment looks gorgeous! The things we do for yum yum sauce!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of that yum yum sauce, i do love hibachi however. The folks in my neck of maryland love that sauce, i once watched a man slap on no less than 1/2 a cup of yum yum onto his meal at our fast food hibachi joint.
ReplyDeleteYay to that apartment!!! It looks amazing! Can't wait to see what you do with it!!!
ReplyDeleteYour new apartment looks awesome, hardwood floors for dogs are the shiznit! I love that sauce, I don't know if I'd be brave enough to make my own though.
ReplyDeleteI am unfamiliar with this Yum Yum sauce. Your new place looks kick ass!
ReplyDeleteDesperate times call for desperate measures! So sad you won't be around the corner from me anymore, but totally digging the new apartment.
ReplyDeleteyour new apartment looks awesome! we have dark chocolate walls too and it's such a comfy and cozy color!
Vodka and Soda
I pull this kind of crap in Germany all the time and then end up spending a fortune as well because they have zero American goodies.
ReplyDeleteAlso, SWANK apartment!
yum yum sauce is the best thing that ever happened to hibachi.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I want some SOOO bad now.
soooooo part time i work at a restaurant that has hibachi and also this white sauce of which you speak. do you hate that i can eat it whenever i want?
ReplyDeleteBetween you and Erin @ Two Thirds Hazel I'm going to be needing hibachi soon!
ReplyDeleteYum Yum is the best! I tell them to leave the bottle with me.
ReplyDeleteSo Hawaii...the Asian melting pot of america doesn't have yum yum sauce... I'm devastated and am forced to make my own as well. Your apartment is saweet though!!
ReplyDeleteYour new place looks so pretty!! I would do lots of unspoken things for that white sauce....why is it so good? Or laced with crack? Maybe that's the answer!
ReplyDelete1) That looks delish. 2) Your new place is so beautiful- I love the floors!!!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what this white sauce you speak of but I may have to try it. I've never measured an ingredient in my life. I have a southern mother so I learned to cook at the age of 10. Which I think is illegal to have a kid at a stove doing hard labor.
ReplyDeleteNice pad, I just may have to visit you when I'm in Dallas this fall.
we are the same person. everything you did in the post is exactly what i would have done. glad i'm not the only one with intense cravings
ReplyDelete36 comments on a post about white sauce. Snaps for you Sarah ;) As soon as I realized I needed a can opener I would have said f-it so you go girl haha.
ReplyDeleteMmm I love hibachi! And the new apartment looks great. Have fun moving in and decorating! :)
ReplyDeleteI saw your post on Buzzfeed Saturday and was like hey, that's Sarah! Hubby didn't understand but I was in awe lol
ReplyDeleteI swear I could stick a straw in hibachi white sauce and suck it dry.... (there's a "that's what she said" in there somewhere)! Love your new place!
ReplyDeleteListen. I don't want you to hate me. But down the street from ma' house there is a grill/buffet that offers you your own damn bottle of Yum Yum sauce. I guess you're looking for apartments in the wrong city, and STATE.
ReplyDeleteSounds nice
ReplyDeleteYeah, that sounds fabulous! :-)
ReplyDeleteI want your new apartment!! Love!
ReplyDeleteI want your apartment. Can we trade? Minnesota is great, trust me.
ReplyDeleteXO, Samm
Thanks for sharing! x
ReplyDeletePaprike should NOT be 6.99! What kind did you buy?! On a related note, dry mustard IS 4.99 for one of those mini jars. GTFO! I'm too cheap for that, and I don't even like mustard!
ReplyDeleteHOLY SHIT BALLS THIS IS THE BEST POST OF THE WEEK! The white sauce is my shit. Like I just say icksnay on the other kind you want to give me and just give me two trays of white sauce. Oh and when you pack my shit up, I'm going to need a three to go. I would drive the 45 minutes with you. I would.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap. That apartment is pretty dang beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm missing out on life because I have no one that will eat such yummy food with me which means I don't get to go to Hibachi restaurants. If I was in town and you asked me if 45 miles was too far to drive for this white sauce you call heaven I would have been the friend saying, "hell yeah let's go I'll be there in 5 to pick you up!" Just saying I'm here for you if you ever need friend. :)