Saturday Sessions: How To Center, Left or Right Align Date and Post Header in Blogger | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

06 July 2013

Saturday Sessions: How To Center, Left or Right Align Date and Post Header in Blogger

Have you ever wanted to move your date and post title alignment to the center? 
Here is how...

Next, if you want to CENTER ALIGN your post and date header in blogger you are going to copy and paste this code directly into the add CSS section (don't forget to hit enter after that last } symbol):

.post-title {

.date-header {

If you want to RIGHT ALIGN your post and date header in blogger you are going to copy and paste this code directly into the add CSS section (don't forget to hit enter after that last } symbol):

.post-title {

.date-header {

If you want to LEFT ALIGN your post and date header in blogger you are going to copy and paste this code directly into the add CSS section (don't forget to hit enter after that last } symbol):

.post-title {

.date-header {

That couldn't be easier, right? Thanks to Rachel for letting me use her blog alignment as an example! 

Venus Trapped