I am just working on putting together my Modeling portfolio for the Youcouldneverbeamodel Agency and I thought I would share with you a bit of my portfolio. My looks are all vastly different. Every time that camera comes out, you never know what you are going to get from Venus "Donkey Booty" Webb. For one there is Ferrari, dang, yes Ferrai. And then, thennnnn there is magnum which was released in the Summer of 2010. And who in their right mind could forget Le Tigre that started it all.
And now.... the moment you have ALL been waiting for. The release of
This post is brought to you by the letter P.
P is for please excuse the dumbest post of all time. I had something big planned but it won't be ready until tomorrow. This is what happens when I have 30 minutes to prepare. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for this mess.
Want $15 to Sephora? You could get 1/4 of a tube of Chanel mascara.
I'm giving away $15 to Sephora over at Life of Meg.
Go enter because it is JUST me in the giveaway so you have a really good chance of winning!
Come back tomorrow for an awesome awesome awesome mystery box.
***ohhhhhh ahhhh the mystery box***