Bore-Snore Weekend... Scroll Down to Bottom For a Giveaway | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

17 June 2013

Bore-Snore Weekend... Scroll Down to Bottom For a Giveaway




right... moving on.

Woke up early and took the PUPSTER to the dog park. He was clearly excited. 
Went to the pool. It was totally empty, even though it was 96 and nothing but sunshine! I had the pool chairs IN the water, all to myself! Well, it wasn't totally empty, this moron decided to rollerblade around a tiny cobblestone pool. That was entertaining! 

Then I went and got a McFlurry while I judged the Miss USA pageant. General sat and judged me for judging them.
 And this is what I'm dealing with this Monday morning. Makes it really difficult to function. I'll be back tomorrow with something slightly more interesting than my weekend. *fingers crossed*.

Linking up with Sami (who comes to visit Dallas next weekend)! Yay!

HEY! Here is a giveaway I'm participating in. Let's spice this terrible post up!

Blogiversary Giveaway

The lovely ladies below are giving away 13 ad spaces, $95 in gift cards, and another $60+ in additional prizes:
Blogiversary Giveaway Treasure Tromp
Blogiversary Giveaway Treasure Tromp
Blogiversary Giveaway Treasure Tromp
Blogiversary Giveaway Treasure Tromp
Blogiversary Giveaway Treasure Tromp
And since we are all about spreading the love, there will be 2 winners. 1 lucky person will win the grand prize (all the amazing prizes from all these lovely ladies) and another one of you will win the prizes from me ($25 to Sephora and 1 month of ad space). Sounds like a good deal?

Venus Trapped