The Ivrester Awards | Venus Trapped in Mars || Dallas
Venus Trapped in Mars Sports and Lifestyle Blog Dallas

30 May 2013

The Ivrester Awards

So I have seen these "Leibster" awards floating around on pretty much every blog (but mine). And that is really cool. Well, I want in. But I don't want in on something no one wants me in on. So, I'll make my own. Take that, blog land.

The Ivrester Awards
Venus Trapped in Mars

Translated this means Drunk (in French) +  I added the ending 'ster'
(because we are a classy bunch and French is classy)

(And with all due respect to the Leibster creator... 11 is a stupid number)
  • Acknowledge who nominated you
  • Answer the 10 questions listed below 
  • Nominate 10 bloggers you think are excellent drinkers
  • You can't nominate the blog that nominated you (But why would you? They clearly just answered the questions already)
  • Don't make any more questions, everyone just answer these questions below... why are we making so many questions for this Leibster guy?
  • If you are nominated, just answer the questions and nominate 10 more people. That is it.
  • Why are there rules for this? Q&A. That is all. 

  1. What is your favorite drinking game and why?
  2. It is your birthday, what is your idea of the perfect evening
  3. Money is no object, what is your go to drink of choice at a bar?
  4. How many times have you played the game "Edward 40 Hands"
  5. Take this alcohol screening quiz here, what score did you receive?
  6. What is your favorite memory with Alcohol?
  7. What is your favorite song about drinking? Or song to drink to?
  8. What is your favorite activity to do while drinking (i.e. boating, bowling, golf, trivia, etc.)
  9. In your opinion, which is the number one party school in the country and why?
  10. When do you know you have had too much to drink? What are your signals?

My Answers:
1. What is your favorite drinking game and why?
Beer Pong. Because the more I drink, the better I get. I have hand eye coordination out the wazoo.

2. It is your birthday, what is your idea of the perfect evening:
Pub Crawl
Themed t-shirts just for the event and/or cocktail dresses for all
I have some sort of party hat on that is glittery
Dinner involving chips and salsa and/or fondue

3. Money is no object, what is your go to drink at a bar?
Dirty Gin Martini, Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives with Bombay Saphire

4. How many times have you played the game "Edward 40 Hands"
Surprisingly, never. I will add that to my to do list.

5. Take this alcohol screening quiz here, what score did you receive?

6. What is your favorite memory with alcohol?
Oh gosh. There have been so many wonderful memories. I think it would have to be my surprise going away party my friends Lisa and Justin threw me last year. Complete with CHAMPAGNE pong. It was truely a magical evening. 
7. What is your favorite song about drinking? Or song to drink to?
Miranda Lambert's song Jack Daniels 
"I fell in love with Jack Daniels again. He's the best kind of lover that there is.I can have him when I please, he always satisfies my needs,He takes me back no matter where I've been.Yeah, I fell in love with Jack Daniels again." 

8. What is your favorite activity to do while drinking (i.e. boating, bowling, golf, trivia, etc.)
I love playing Darts while drinking. The need to be constantly entertained mixes quite well with a good game (or 12) of darts! I'm a terrible dancer, but if I have had enough, I also enjoy a good booty bounce.

9. In your opinion, which is the number one party school in the country and why?
THE University of Tennessee
Because I said so, that is why.

10. When do you know you have had too much to drink? What are your signals?
This situation goes down:
Friend who I saw earlier that day walks through the front door of the bar...
I scream at the top of my lungs
Sally Jo Sue!!! 
Then run and hug her. 
I haven't seen you in foreverrrrrrrr!
Saw here about 3 hours and 17 minutes ago.
Or when I drop my phone in the pitcher of beer. That is also a good sign I should probably stop drinking. 

I nominate:
(Everyone, there you are all nominated, go play)
but slightly more specifically....
Like I said, I nominate you all. 

Don't forget, tomorrow is the big day! Link-up for Fan Friday with me
Details here!
Venus Trapped in Mars

Linked up today with.... 
ButtonHopelessly Ever After
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