In order to have a helpful blog, I figure I need to teach ya'll the basics about my favorite sports. Without basic training on how each sport works (scoring, objective etc.) it is going to be hard to follow the rest of my blog! So with that said let's talk football!
Not interested yet? Here are some reasons to take some mental energy away from prepping for the premier of Real Housewives D.C. on Thursday (yeah, I know I'm excited too!) and maybe reinvest it back into some basic football knowledge.
Cute boys in tight pants. I have nothing more to say, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

This is Tony Romo, Quarterback-Dallas. You will no doubt very quickly learn I am obsessed... ok moving on...

- The next reason to become a fan of football is for all the cute outfits you have an excuse to buy color coordinated for your favorite team! My favorite teams color for instance is orange. So all year long I hunt for the perfect game day outfits. It can be smack dab in the middle of February but if I find the cutest orange and white game day outfit, it is going home with me. Here are some of my favorite game day outfits I have seen have sported.

Both of the dresses above are from a website called So many cute dresses there for kids and adults. They have orange and blue, red and black and garnet and gold.
Another real cute dress from They also have similar dresses any many different color so you can pick out your favorite team!

And finally, a staple in any girls wardrobe (particularly for my SEC girls out there like me) is a great pair of cowboy boots! Without these you are nothing!

Can we talk about these Frye boots from (a mere $650!) HEY perfect!
Other big reasons to become a football fan is for the day drinking! Who doesn't want an excuse to have a mimosa with the girls (and cute frat boys!) at 11:00am?
Also, think about the free pom poms you get with your team's colors at the games, potential 1.5 seconds of fame from your appearance on the jumbotron, amazing photo-ops to post to facebook and of course the after party to celebrate your teams win!

Football is such an amazing sport to watch in person, but if you can talk football with the guys around you, or even at work you will be surprised the attention it grabs you. It may even earn you that promotion you have been pushing for or that guy you've been crushing on!
With that said, it's time for Football 101!
Images from top to bottom courtesy of:
The toast! Where might be without it? From the brew doused hands of your colleagues to the best man at weddings offering his ideally not very legitimate remarks to the spouse and husband to be. Raise a glass to